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Titlar 300 til 324 af 338
25.6.2012Understanding socioeconomic issues and opportunities of an emerging tidal energy industry in Nova ScotiaDrake, Carrie Lynn, 1983-
25.8.2015Understanding species-microplastics interactions : a laboratory study on the effects of microplastics on the Azorean barnacle, Megabalanus azoricusHentschel, Lisa-Henrike, 1987-
20.6.2019Understanding the occurrence and fate of microplastics in the Arctic fjords of SvalbardPurver, Madeleine Lydia Susan, 1992-
20.6.2019Understanding the spatial distribution of arsenic, cadmium, and mercury concentrations in Blue Mussels (Mytilus edulis) from Skutulsfjörður and Álftafjörður in the Westfjords of IcelandHixson, Anna Nicole, 1993-
26.6.2012Underutilized military heritage sites at the west coast of Latvia : feasibility study for creating a new tourism attractionGulbe, Lauma, 1986-
16.6.2020Unfiltered : sediment alterations in response to untreated wastewater emissions from a marine outfall off Ísafjörður, IcelandThompson, Jake Maruli, 1993-
14.6.2022Using a macroalgal cultivation system in wastewater bioremediation : a case study of Bolungarvík, IcelandNikonov, Ivan, 1996-
14.8.2017Using tag data to assess behaviour, vocal sounds, boat noise and potential effects on Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in response to whale watching boats in Skjálfandi Bay (Húsavík), IcelandOvide, Belén García, 1990-
22.6.2010Útsendir stjórnendur í íslenskum alþjóðafyrirtækjum : þjálfun þeirra og undirbúningurGuðrún Ásta Lárusdóttir
25.6.2009Útvistun í opinberri stjórnsýslu : hagræðingarmöguleikar og hindrarnirIngibjörg Ösp Stefánsdóttir
18.3.2011The validation of the LMC device : analysis of Icelandic basaltic rocksRuether, Johanna
16.6.2015Valuation approaches in practice : valuation of Hagar hf. and Icelandair Group hf.Sigurbjörn Hafþórsson 1988-
3.6.2014Veiða og sleppa sem veiðistjórnun á bleikju í EyjafjarðaráErlendur Steinar Friðriksson 1965-
7.6.2011Verðmætaaukning innan íslensks sjávarútvegs : hefur verðmætaaukning orðið innan íslensks sjávarútvegs, hvernig hefur verið staðið að henni á undanförnum árum og hefur hún skilað sér til þjóðarbúsins?Þorvaldur Helgi Auðunsson
29.10.2020Viewing tourism : investigating residents experiences and perceptions of different forms of tourism in Ísafjörður, IcelandRegan, James Anthony, 1991-
25.2.2021Vinnustaðamenning og líðan á íslenskum sveitar- og bæjarskrifstofum : samskipti starfsfólks við kjörna fulltrúa og breytingar í kringum sveitarstjórnarkosningarMargrét Víkingsdóttir 1978-
18.6.2018Virtual reality of coral reefs : exploring ecological worldviews, environmental attitudes, and psychological distance after an immersive virtual experienceBambic, Brianna Dawn, 1987-
16.6.2020Visitors in the land : values, opinions and perceptions of visitors to inform management at seal watching spots in Northwestern IcelandChauvat, Cécile Marie, 1996-
14.6.2021Way down we go : using bottom trawling to survey benthic debris in Icelandic watersBlache, Mathis, 1996-
8.12.2010Well Design & Well Completion under Acidic Conditions: Mitigation of corrosion of the wells of KraflaRajnai, Gabor
25.6.2012Whale watching in Iceland : an assessment of whale watching activities on Skjálfandi bayMartin, Sara Marie, 1985-
29.10.2020Whale-watchers' perceptions of whaling in IcelandHenderson, Erin Helen Mary, 1994-
18.6.2020What are you whaling for? : rationalizing conservation and indigenous customary fishery : case study of customary fishery of Lamalerans in Indonesia’s Savu SeaMaukar, Maesa, 1987-
20.6.2019What did our dinner have for lunch? : analysing microplastics by dissolving fish guts from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and saithe (Pollachius virens) from the west coast of Icelandde Vries, Adriana Neeltje, 1995-
9.9.2014Where are all the fish? : a political ecology analysis of local fish networks and the gift economy in the Westfjords of IcelandSmith, Jennifer Grace, 1983-