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20.6.2019 | Understanding the spatial distribution of arsenic, cadmium, and mercury concentrations in Blue Mussels (Mytilus edulis) from Skutulsfjörður and Álftafjörður in the Westfjords of Iceland | Hixson, Anna Nicole, 1993- |
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14.6.2022 | Using a macroalgal cultivation system in wastewater bioremediation : a case study of Bolungarvík, Iceland | Nikonov, Ivan, 1996- |
14.8.2017 | Using tag data to assess behaviour, vocal sounds, boat noise and potential effects on Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in response to whale watching boats in Skjálfandi Bay (Húsavík), Iceland | Ovide, Belén García, 1990- |
22.6.2010 | Útsendir stjórnendur í íslenskum alþjóðafyrirtækjum : þjálfun þeirra og undirbúningur | Guðrún Ásta Lárusdóttir |
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18.3.2011 | The validation of the LMC device : analysis of Icelandic basaltic rocks | Ruether, Johanna |
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29.10.2020 | Viewing tourism : investigating residents experiences and perceptions of different forms of tourism in Ísafjörður, Iceland | Regan, James Anthony, 1991- |
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18.6.2018 | Virtual reality of coral reefs : exploring ecological worldviews, environmental attitudes, and psychological distance after an immersive virtual experience | Bambic, Brianna Dawn, 1987- |
16.6.2020 | Visitors in the land : values, opinions and perceptions of visitors to inform management at seal watching spots in Northwestern Iceland | Chauvat, Cécile Marie, 1996- |
14.6.2021 | Way down we go : using bottom trawling to survey benthic debris in Icelandic waters | Blache, Mathis, 1996- |
8.12.2010 | Well Design & Well Completion under Acidic Conditions: Mitigation of corrosion of the wells of Krafla | Rajnai, Gabor |
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