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Titlar 310 til 334 af 338
18.3.2011The validation of the LMC device : analysis of Icelandic basaltic rocksRuether, Johanna
16.6.2015Valuation approaches in practice : valuation of Hagar hf. and Icelandair Group hf.Sigurbjörn Hafþórsson 1988-
3.6.2014Veiða og sleppa sem veiðistjórnun á bleikju í EyjafjarðaráErlendur Steinar Friðriksson 1965-
7.6.2011Verðmætaaukning innan íslensks sjávarútvegs : hefur verðmætaaukning orðið innan íslensks sjávarútvegs, hvernig hefur verið staðið að henni á undanförnum árum og hefur hún skilað sér til þjóðarbúsins?Þorvaldur Helgi Auðunsson
29.10.2020Viewing tourism : investigating residents experiences and perceptions of different forms of tourism in Ísafjörður, IcelandRegan, James Anthony, 1991-
25.2.2021Vinnustaðamenning og líðan á íslenskum sveitar- og bæjarskrifstofum : samskipti starfsfólks við kjörna fulltrúa og breytingar í kringum sveitarstjórnarkosningarMargrét Víkingsdóttir 1978-
18.6.2018Virtual reality of coral reefs : exploring ecological worldviews, environmental attitudes, and psychological distance after an immersive virtual experienceBambic, Brianna Dawn, 1987-
16.6.2020Visitors in the land : values, opinions and perceptions of visitors to inform management at seal watching spots in Northwestern IcelandChauvat, Cécile Marie, 1996-
14.6.2021Way down we go : using bottom trawling to survey benthic debris in Icelandic watersBlache, Mathis, 1996-
8.12.2010Well Design & Well Completion under Acidic Conditions: Mitigation of corrosion of the wells of KraflaRajnai, Gabor
25.6.2012Whale watching in Iceland : an assessment of whale watching activities on Skjálfandi bayMartin, Sara Marie, 1985-
29.10.2020Whale-watchers' perceptions of whaling in IcelandHenderson, Erin Helen Mary, 1994-
18.6.2020What are you whaling for? : rationalizing conservation and indigenous customary fishery : case study of customary fishery of Lamalerans in Indonesia’s Savu SeaMaukar, Maesa, 1987-
20.6.2019What did our dinner have for lunch? : analysing microplastics by dissolving fish guts from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and saithe (Pollachius virens) from the west coast of Icelandde Vries, Adriana Neeltje, 1995-
9.9.2014Where are all the fish? : a political ecology analysis of local fish networks and the gift economy in the Westfjords of IcelandSmith, Jennifer Grace, 1983-
18.2.2021Who is really pirating the seas? : a study on European overfishing in the Gulf of GuineaBourmaud, Svetlana, 1995-
14.8.2017Why so serious? : using serious gaming as an ecosystem service management tool for the Wadden SeaMandewirth, Marvin, 1991-
25.6.2012Wilderness and human influence in the Hornstrandir Nature Reserve : a preliminary study of wilderness perceptionsKuuliala, Vilma-Inkeri, 1986-
8.12.2010A wind-power fuel cell hybrid system study: Model of energy conversion for wind energy system with hydrogen storageSobotka, Katarzyna
8.3.2018Women involved with fisheries in the Northern Westfjords of Iceland : roles, perceptions, and hopeYingst, Alexandra, 1993-
14.11.2022Women of the water : women seafarers’ experiences in Maritime tourism in Southcentral Alaska and IcelandMcKnight, Robin Aurora, 1997-
25.10.2021Youth and newcomers in Icelandic fisheries : access, opportunities and obstaclesLebedef, Elena Alessandra, 1992-
22.3.2011Þeistareykir high-temperature geothermal field, North-East Iceland : estimation of reservoir conditions and evaluation of pressure interference between wellsJúlía Úlfdís Jóhannsson
7.6.2011Þekkingarstjórnun afþreyingarfyrirtækja í íslenskri ferðaþjónustuElfa Björk Björgvinsdóttir
31.5.2011Þjónustugæði íslenskra tryggingafélagaÞorbjörn Geir Ólafsson