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Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:

  • Trying to live a normal life despite the pain : women´s lived experience of coping with chronic nonmalignant pain
  • Meistara
  • The aim of this phenomenological study was to add to the body of knowledge and
    to get an understanding of how women with chronic nonmalignant pain cope in
    everyday life and how it affects their well-being and daily activities. Chronic
    nonmalignant pain has been defined as a pain that has lasted 6 months or longer, is
    ongoing, is due to non-life-threatening causes, has not responded to current
    available treatment methods, and may continue for the remainder of the patient´s
    life. Coping refers to anything the person does or thinks to manage demands so it
    either modifies the environment, or changes the meaning of the situation.
    Semi-structured, in-depth, tape-recorded interviews were used to collect data after
    an informed consent had been obtained from five women with chronic
    nonmalignant pain in different sites of the body. Their ages ranged from 36 to 53
    years. Analysis of data followed a method adapted from the Vancouver School of
    doing Phenomenology.
    An overriding theme, with three major themes and 14 subthemes emerged from the
    data. The overriding theme ´Keeping the pain tolerable` can be described as the
    main goal for the women. In order to be able to keep the pain tolerable the women
    feel they must ´Learn to live with the pain` which is the first major theme which
    focuses on searching for pain relief, it´s causes, and cure, if that exists. ´Feeling
    one is not alone` is another major theme and describes the necessary support both
    provided by others and by themselves to others in a similar situation. ´No-one can
    see that something is wrong` is the last major theme and is centred on the pain´s
    effect on the self-image and self-esteem, and the importance of an understanding
    from others and a positive self-image.
    To be able to live a good and fulfilling life with chronic nonmalignant pain and
    cope with it, the women described how they had to build a new pattern where the
    pain no longer controls. In reality this pain is very much a part of the sufferer´s life
    at the same time as it is bound to affect other members of his or her family. In all
    likelihood it has to be accepted as an incurable one. Intermittent reliefs may help
    but when the pain recurs; one must know how to respond.
    The result of this study can be helpful for health care professionals to increase the
    quality of care for chronic pain sufferers and be a guide for further research
    focusing on coping with pain.

  • Verkefnið er opið nemendum og starfsfólki Háskólans á Akureyri
  • 1.1.2001

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