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Háskólinn í Reykjavík > Tæknisvið / School of Technology > MEd/MPM/MSc Verkfræðideild (áður Tækni- og verkfræðideild) og íþróttafræðideild -2019 / Department of Engineering (was Dep. of Science and Engineering) >

Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:

  • Titill er á ensku High resolution simulation of a vacuum microdiode
  • Meistara
  • Útdráttur er á ensku

    In this thesis a vacuum microdiode is simulated where each electron in the system is regarded as point charge and observed through the system from Cathode to Anode. A space charge limited emission process is simulated.
    Low voltage sufficies to create large electric field across the vacuum diode since the gap spacing is kept in the micrometer region. A Fourir analysis on the emission and absorption process is presented. A simulation with the same parameters as earlier research [7] is presented as well as expanding the
    simulation parameters and mapping the response to different combinations of input parameters.
    Finally two variations of the initial experiment where initial kinetic energy is introduced corresponding to the operating temperature of the diode.

  • 29.8.2012

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