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Thesis (Master's)

University of Iceland > Menntavísindasvið > Meistaraprófsritgerðir - Menntavísindasvið >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://hdl.handle.net/1946/13426

  • Title is in Icelandic Sýn kennara á starf sitt : innan PBS stefnunnar og uppbyggingarstefnunnar
  • Master's
  • Abstract is in Icelandic

    Markmið ritgerðarinnar er að varpa ljósi á menntunarsýn kennara sem starfa eftir tveimur mismunandi stefnum; uppbyggingarstefnan og PBS, sem virðast nokkuð algengar í íslenskum grunnskólum. Rannsóknarspurningarnar eru: Hver er menntunarsýn kennara sem vinna innan uppbyggingarstefnunnar á starf sitt? Hver er menntunarsýn kennara sem vinna innan PBS á starf sitt? Hvaða þættir í sýn þeirra eru sameiginlegir og hverjir ekki. Tekin voru viðtöl við 10 grunnskólakennara, fimm frá uppbyggingarstefnunni og fimm frá PBS. Gögnin voru greind með eigindlegum rannsóknaraðferðum.Helstu niðurstöður eru að kennarar í báðum stefnum leggja áherslu á mikilvægi þess að hafa ákveðna stefnu innan skólans. Þeir leggja líka áherslu á að mikil vinna sé að halda slíkum stefnum gangandi innan skólans. Kennarar í PBS stefnunni telja ekki alla kennara taka þátt í starfinu. Kennarar uppbyggingarstefnunnar telja frekar að kennarar séu ekki allir jafn færir í þeim aðferðum sem kennarar eiga að nota. PBS kennararnir líta á kerfið sem agakerfi á meðan kennarar uppbyggingarstefnunnar kalla sína stefnu verkfæri til að nýta í kennslunni. Stefnurnar virðast báðar ganga betur með yngri nemendur en eldri þótt það komi skýrar fram hjá PBS stefnunni.

  • The main purpose of this study was to examine teachers’ views toward two
    specific discipline policies used in primary schools. The two programs,
    Restitution and PBS, are based on different theoretical principles but have
    the same goals; to reduce behavioral problems in school and to teach
    methods for dealing with discipline issues. Qualitive methods were used;
    interviews were taken with ten teachers, five from each program, at the
    end of the 2007-2008 school year.
    The main results were that all the teachers in both programs said it was
    very important for the school to have a set system for everyone to follow
    despite the amount of work it entailed. They agreed that some staff did not
    fully participate in the programs but in ways that varied between programs.
    All the teachers in both programs emphasized mutual respect between
    teachers and students. Teachers from both programs felt that Restitution
    was a more fulfilling method than PBS or other reward systems. They
    agreed that it was very necessary to work with children with values that are
    most important in life. Most of the teachers in the PBS program mentioned
    advantages of other discipline systems over PBS.
    Different views were also found. Teachers in the PBS program saw it as a
    discipline system while the teachers in the Restitution program saw their
    program as a set of tools to use in the classroom. Restitution teachers also
    talked about the importance of examining one’s own values before
    teaching the children about values. This was not mentioned by the teachers
    in the PBS program. They talked about establishing rules for all areas of the
    school while teachers in the Restitution program helped students to make
    their own class rules built on the values discussed by the teacher and the

  • Nov 7, 2012
  • http://hdl.handle.net/1946/13426

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