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  • Titill er á ensku The effects of in-game advertising on players’ explicit and implicit memory, attitudes and purchase intentions
  • Janúar 2013
  • Útdráttur er á ensku

    The study described in this thesis examined the effects of in-game advertising in online computer games on players' memory of the brands (implicit and explicit), attitudes towards the brands and purchase intentions. An experiment was designed with gamers randomly assigned to one of two conditions: (1) gamers playing the online computer game with sponsor brands already embedded in the game or (2) gamers selecting the sponsor brands and then playing the same game. A third group, a control group, only answered a questionnaire online and did not play the game.
    No studies measuring all the following mindset metrics in the same study on in-game advertising seem to exist: memory of the brand (implicit and explicit), attitude towards the brand and purchase intentions. Also, no studies seem to exist that measured the effects of in-game advertising when the game players selected sponsor brands before playing the game.
    Implicit memory was measured using a word-fragment completion task while explicit memory was measured using recall and recognition tests. Results showed that when sponsor brands are selected before playing the game, game players’ explicit and implicit memory improves significantly.
    Attitudes towards the brands and purchase intentions were measured using three seven-point scales. Results showed that when the brands are selected before playing the game, it did not significantly influence their attitudes towards the sponsor brands in the game. The game players did however have significantly higher purchase intentions towards the sponsor brands in the game.

  • Ritgerðin var lokuð til 27.12.2022 en var opnuð í júlí 2013 þar sem staðfesting um lokun hafði ekki borist frá deild.
  • 28.12.2012

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EloiseAlanaFreygang_MSthesis_In_game_advertising.pdf650.81 kBOpinnHeildartextiPDFSkoða/Opna