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Háskóli Íslands > Menntavísindasvið > Rafræn tímarit >

Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:

  • Starfstengt diplómunám fyrir fólk með þroskahömlun
  • Haustið 2007 hófst tveggja ára starfstengt diplómanám fyrir fólk með
    þroskahömlun við Kennaraháskóla Íslands. Meginmarkmið námsins var tvíþætt.
    Annars vegar að undirbúa nemendur til afmarkaðra starfa á þeim vettvangi sem
    þroskaþjálfabraut menntar nemendur til. Um var að ræða störf á leikskólum,
    frístundaheimilum, bókasöfnum, í félagsmiðstöðvum og á vettvangi fatlaðs fólks.
    Hins vegar var að því stefnt að gera nemendum kleift að öðlast hagnýta þekkingu
    og félagslega færni í námsumhverfi án aðgreiningar í því skyni að greiða fyrir
    aukinni þátttöku þeirra í samfélaginu (Guðrún V. Stefánsdóttir og Vilborg
    Jóhannsdóttir, 2007). Námið var skilgreint sem rannsóknartengt tilraunaverkefni
    sem fylgt var eftir með eigindlegri rannsókn sem hér er til umfjöllunar.
    Meginmarkmið rannsóknarinnar var að þróa námið, stuðning við nemendur og
    stuðla að enn frekara námi án aðgreiningar. Í þeim tilgangi var reynt að öðlast
    skilning á upplifun nemenda í diplómanámi og að fá fram sýn aðstandenda,
    mentora (samnemendur í Kennaraháskóla Íslands og á Menntavísindasviði Háskóla
    Íslands eftir 1. júlí 2008 þegar Kennaraháskólinn og Háskóli Íslands sameinuðust),
    leiðbeinenda í starfsnámi og háskólakennara. Í þessari grein er ætlunin fyrst og
    fremst að kynna diplómanámið og skýra frá reynslu nemenda, aðstandenda og
    mentora af náminu. Sú gagnasöfnun sem hér er byggt á fór fram með
    einstaklingsviðtölum og samtölum í rýnihópum nemenda og aðstandenda þeirra.
    Þá skrifuðu mentorar skýrslur um reynslu sína og nemendur og aðstandendur
    þeirra gerðu skriflegt mat á náminu. Helstu niðurstöður benda til að hjá nemendum
    ríki almenn ánægja með námið. Flestir voru sammála um að stærsti ávinningurinn
    hafi verið félagsleg þátttaka og samvera með öðrum háskólanemendum. Jafnframt
    töldu flestir nemendur og aðstandendur þeirra að námið hefði aukið þeim
    sjálfstæði, sjálfsvirðingu og sjálfsöryggi.

  • Útdráttur er á ensku

    A semi professional diploma program for people with intellectual disabilities was
    offered for the first time during the fall of 2007 at the Iceland University of
    Education now the School of Education, University of Iceland. The aim of the
    program was to enable students to graduate with the knowledge, skills and Netla
    values that would let them take their place confidently as assistants in various
    jobs within the field of social pedogogy. As well as to give each student the
    possibility to have an individual studium based on his or her strengths, interests
    and chosen workfield. The students could for i.e. prepare for jobs in an early
    childhood education setting, within leisure activity centers, libraries and in
    various other settings within the given field according to their interests. Such as
    to get training as peer counsellors with emphasis on the rights of people with
    intellectual disabillities. In this light the aim of the program was also to offer
    practical knowledge and social skills in an inclusive setting so the students
    would have better opportunity to participate fully in society.The diploma program
    was introduced as a research based developmental project with the emphasis on
    qualitative research tradition. The aim of the research was to cast a light on the
    quality and success of the program seen from the standpoint of all concerned
    such as the students, their families, peer counselors (university students within
    the Divison of Education), advisors at the practicum site and finally university
    instructors.The focus of this article is first and foremost on the structure of the
    diploma program as well as the students viewpoints of its success.This article
    discusses as well the viewpoints of families and peer counselors concerning
    expected outcomes, structure and work processes with further development in
    mind. Another article will be written where the views of the participating
    university instructors and advisors in the work related practicums will be in the
    foreground. The data introduced here was collected through individual interviews
    and focus groups consisting of students and their families.The data was also
    collected through participant observation during meetings with students, families
    and peer counselors. As well as from written outcome and process based
    evaluation forms and reports conducted by students, families and peer
    counselors.The findings show that students are on the whole very happy with the
    diploma program. Most of them were in an agreement that the social participation
    and cooperation with other students at the university were one of the greatest
    values of the study.The data indicates as well that students along with their
    families feel that they have become more independent in their daily lives and
    have developed a more positive self identity and self assurance.
    Guðrún V. Stefánsdóttir is associate professor and Vilborg Jóhannsdóttir
    assistant professor at The School of Education, University of Iceland.

Birtist í: 
  • Netla
  • 1670-0244
  • 9.1.2013

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