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Háskólinn á Akureyri > Rafræn tímarit > Nordicum - Mediterraneum >

Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:

  • Il valore della testimonianza – The Value of Testimony
  • The following text is from my book Teoria della conoscenza published by Laterza some years ago. I have chosen to offer it here, in memory of my friend and colleague Flavio Baroncelli, for three basic reasons. First of all, more than twenty years ago, Flavio offered to be the supervisor of my graduate thesis on an epistemological theme in modern philosophy. I have not forgotten that possibility and have in recent times come to reflect upon both the type of epistemology and the philosophers that were beloved by Flavio. The text which follows these introductory remarks is a testament to this. Secondly, when he knew that I was interested in the epistemology of testimony, Flavio urged me to go on, because of the importance of that topic not only for general epistemology, but also for many other branches of philosophy. Thirdly, on the occasion of the publication of Teoria della conoscenza, Flavio participated on the round table in which it was presented to the public and had something like this to say: "I read the whole book with the same breath, as it was a detective story". In his memory, I cannot but hope to write other "detective stories".

  • 1670-6242
  • 2.7.2008

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