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Thesis (Bachelor's)

University of Akureyri > Viðskipta- og raunvísindasvið > B.S. verkefni >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://hdl.handle.net/1946/15649

  • Optimum growth in turbot farming : protein substitution in feed for < 500 g turbot
  • Bachelor's
  • A dietary study was conducted to investigate the effect of partly substituted levels of fish meal in feed for <500 g turbot (Scophthalmus maximus Rafinesque 1810) on growth performance. The experimental diets were formulated to contain 53, 73 and 93 % fish meal protein and different levels of plant protein substitutes (wheat, corn gluten, soybean and canola meal) with three replicates for each diet. The fish (N = 252; initial mean weight ± SD,140 ± 37 g) were tagged with PIT and randomly distributed into 9 rearing tanks (1.47 m3) and handfed to satiation 6 days a week for a period of 138 days. The temperature and salinity level were kept at a constant level of (mean ± SD) 15.4 ± 0.6 °C and 21.4 ± 1.8 ‰, respectively.
    Weight development was significantly affected by the dietary treatments. Fish fed lower fish meal diets displayed a slower weight development throughout the entire experiment compared to fish fed the high fish meal diet. However, no significant differences were shown between dietary treatment groups for specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, daily feed
    intake and total feed consumption. Results demonstrate that substitution of fish meal by plant protein raw materials down to 53 % fish meal does not affect growth of turbot < 500 g.

  • Abstract is in Icelandic

    Tilgangur tilraunarinnar var að kanna áhrif útskiptingar fiskimjöls fyrir plöntuhráefni á vöxt sandhverfu undir 500 g að þyngd. Þrjár gerðir tilraunafóðurs innihélt mismunandi hátt hlutfall fiskimjölis (93, 73 og 53 %) og mismunandi plöntu hráefni (hveiti, maís, soja og repju mjöl). Fóðurgerðir voru prófaðar í þrítekningu. Sandhverfur (N=252, upphafsþyngd ± SD, 140 ± 37 g) voru örmerktar og þeim dreift tilviljunarkennt í níu 1.47 m3
    ker. Handfóðrað var til mettunar tvisvar á dag, 6 daga vikunnar
    yfir 138 daga tímabil. Vatnshiti (15.4 ± 0.6°C, meðaltal ± SD), selta (21.4 ± 1.8 ‰) og súrefni (101.7 ± 7.1 %) var mælt daglega og stillt eftir þörfum. Hlutfall fiskimjöls í fóðrinu hafði marktæk áhrif á þyngdarvöxt fisksins sem fór vaxandi með auknu fiskimjölshlutfalli. Ekki reyndist þó vera marktækur munur í dagvexti né fóðurstuðli og étnu fóðurmagni fiska í tilraunahópnum.
    Niðurstöður benda til þess að hægt sé að skipta út allt að 40% fiskimjöls fyrir plöntu hráefni í fóðri fyrir smærri sandhverfu án þess að það hafi áhrif á vöxt.. Þetta leiðir til verulegrar
    lækkunar framleiðslukostnaðar og stuðlar að aukinni sjálfbærni sandhverfueldis.

  • Jun 10, 2013
  • http://hdl.handle.net/1946/15649

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