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University of Iceland > Verkfræði- og náttúruvísindasvið > Rannsóknarverkefni - Verkfræði- og náttúruvísindasvið >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://hdl.handle.net/1946/15724

  • Title is in Icelandic Rafdráttur með örsmáum vökvarásum
  • Electrophoresis using microfluidics channels
  • June 2013
  • In this document the first steps towards utilizing microfluidic channel techniques for robust extraction of nucleic acids from gels and faster timings for nucleic acid electrophoresis in poly- acrylamide gels. The benefits of this include easier heat extraction and shorter sample travel distance . Until now extraction of DNA fragments from gels is done by cutting out the wanted band then dissolving the gel in chemicals, a cumbersome process. Utilizing microfluidic channels, extraction could be done by means of applying an electric field in the second dimension, extracting selected parts of the sample out of the gel into a microfluidic channel located next to the gel plane, channeling it out of the microfluidic system to a cup by pumping a liquid through the channel. By this, sorting of molecules could be carried out automatically using computer controlled mechanics, with much more ease than has been possible before. Electrophoresis is widely used in many different fields, including protein chemistry, pharmacology, forensic medicine, molecular biology, as well as genome and proteome resource (Westermeier, 2008), so there is much to gain from refining current techniques.

  • Jun 12, 2013
  • http://hdl.handle.net/1946/15724

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