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  • Titill er á ensku Photofragmentations, State Interactions and Energetic of Rydberg and Ion-pair States: 2D REMPI of Halogen Containing Compounds
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    The main work of my Ph.D project was to explore and study photofragmentation processes of halogen containing compounds. Molecular photofragmentation channels, involving photodissociations, photoionizations and predissociations play an important role in the photochemistry and photophysics of the atmosphere and in interstellar space. The major experimental method used here is the two-dimensional (2D) (2+n) resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) technique coupled with a time of flight (TOF) mass spectrometry. Experiments, based on this technique were performed to obtain mass spectra as a function of two-photon excitation energies to obtain 2D REMPI data for HCl, HBr, CF3Br and CH2Br2. New states were assigned and photoionization and photodissociation processes of the molecules were studied.
    The largest emphasis was laid on studies of the hydrogen halides, HX; X=Cl, Br. Relative ion signal intensities, line-shifts and line-width broadenings due to interactions between Rydberg and ion-pair states were studied quantitatively. Simulations of ion signal intensity ratios (I(X+)/I(HX+)) were performed to obtain interaction strengths and to estimate the importance of Rydberg state predissociatiion process. Relevant analysis techniques were modified and improved. A deperturbation method, based on analysis of spectral line positions for Rydberg and ion-pair state spectra, was applied to achieve unperturbed spectroscopic constants as well as interaction strengths. REMPI studies and perturbation analyses due to interactions between Rydberg and ion-pair states provide important information relevant to photofragmentation processes for the hydrogen halides.

  • Aðal vinnan að baki þessarar doktorsritgerðar fólst í að skoða og greina ljósrofsferla (e. photfragmentation processes) halógen-haldandi efna. Ferli ljóssundrunar (e. photofragmentation channels), sem felast í tengjarofum og jónunum skipta miklu máli í ljósefnafræði og ljóseðlisfræði andrúmsloftsins og í geimsefnafræði (e. astrochemistry). Helsta tilraunaaðferðin sem notuð var nefnist ,“tvívíð (2D) fjölljóseindajónun“ (e. resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization / REMPI) ásamt flugtímamassagreiningum (e. time of flight mass spectrometry/ TOF-MS). Tilraunir fólust í mælingum á massarófum sem fall af tveggja ljóseinda örvunarorku til að fá 2D REMPI gögn fyrir HCl, HBr, CF3Br og CH2Br2. Ný ástönd voru litrófsgreind og ljóssundrunarferlar sameindanna rannsakaðir.
    Stærstur hluti verkefnisins var tileinkaður vetnishalíðunum, HX; X = Cl, Br. Styrkir jónaútslaga, hliðranir litrófslína, og breidd litrófslína vegna víxlverkana á milli Rydberg og jón-para-ástanda var kannað magnbundið. Hermanir á afstæðum jónstyrkjum (I(X+)/I(HX+)) voru framkvæmdar til að meta styrkleika víxlverkana og til að áætla vægi rofferla fyrir Rydberg ástönd. Greiningar- og mæli-aðferðir voru betrumbættar. Aftruflunarreikningar (e. deperturbation calculations), byggðir á greiningum á staðsetningum litrófslína fyrir Rydberg ástönd og jón-para-litróf, voru framkvæmdir til að finna litrófsstuðla orkuríkra ástanda sem og víxlverkunarstyrki. REMPI greiningar og truflanagreiningar vegna víxlverkana Rydberg og jónpara-ástanda leiddu í ljós mikilvægar upplýsingar varðandi ljóssundrunarferla vetnishalíða.

  • Styrktaraðili er á ensku The University Research fund, University of Iceland and the Icelandic Science foundation (Rannis)
Tengd vefslóð: 
  • 4.7.2013

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