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Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:

  • Titill er á ensku Unacknowledged afflictions : the essentials of the experience of people with persistent pain in nursing homes
  • Meistara
  • Persistent pain among the elderly is a major health problem within nursing homes.
    There is new knowledge, mainly in pharmacology, on pain assessment and
    management of this age group. Geriatricians claim that with quality pain
    management a relevant goal is to provide considerably relief and in some cases a
    pain-free state of those that now suffer. Certain attitudes of the elderly are known to
    bias pain assessment. The purpose of this study was to examine the lived experience
    of elderly residents with persistent pain in nursing homes. The research approach used
    was the Vancouver school of doing phenomenology. Data were collected in open
    interviews or dialogues. The research question was: ’What are the essentials of the
    experience of people with persistent pain in nursing homes’? The sample was twelve
    residents, mean age 86 years. After analysing the transcribed data, themes were
    constructed. The overriding theme was is ‘Unacknowledged afflictions’. Three major
    themes were constructed. The first theme: Reconciliation to losses in life refers to the
    fact that residents tended to see their pain in a wider perspective of losses in life.
    They reiterated losses of loved ones, of health and former home An ongoing work of
    reconciliation and adjustment seemed to be going on within them, many could be
    placed on a continuum between grief and even anger at one end genuine peace on
    the other. The second theme was: the lived experience of persistent pain with the
    subthemes of : All in control, Seeks help when needed and Reluctant to seek help.
    Some felt everything was under control and of which the doses of tablets seemed to
    be a token. Others had no problem with seeking help when needed. One resident did
    seek help in vein. A few were reluctant to seek help and seemed to have become lost
    or unacknowledged from the eyes of the doctors or nurses. This seems a group in
    obvious need for help. The third major theme was: Sources of strength and joy.
    These were mainly close relatives, enjoying reasonably good health and conditions of
    living. Suggestion is made that nurses will look at persistent pain in the aged in the
    context of the multiple losses and grief. Residents without needed help must be found.
    Under all circumstances should the words of the sufferer be counted as valid.

  • Meistaraprófsritgerð frá Royal College of Nursing, London
  • 23.9.2013

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