Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:
Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að kanna daglega hreyfingu íslenskra grunnskólabarna með þroskahömlun (ID) og bera hana saman við hreyfingu jafnaldra þeirra án þroskahömlunar (WID). Þátttakendur voru 73 ID börn og viðmiðunarhópur 73 WID barna. Líkamlegum eiginleikum var lýst með mælingum á hæð og þyngd, líkamsþyngdarstuðlinum (e. Body Mass Index-BMI) og mittismáli. Hreyfing var skoðuð með hreyfimælum. Hreyfing á meðalerfiðri til erfiðrar ákefðar (e. moderate to vigorous physical activity-
MVPA) var mæld í slögum á mínútu (slög/mín) og metin sem fjöldi mínútna á dag (mín/dag) á tveimur mismunandi viðmiðum (MVPA>3400 slög/mín og MVPA>2296 slög/mín). Þá var samræmi milli hreyfimælinga og svara í spurningalista skoðað lítillega.
ID hópurinn var með marktækt hærra BMI (p=0,024) og mittismál
(p=0,037) en WID hópurinn. WID hópurinn hreyfði sig marktækt meira en ID hópurinn eftir skóla og um helgar (bæði p<0,001). WID drengir hreyfðu sig marktækt meira en ID drengir á virkum dögum og á skólatíma (bæði p<0,001) en hjá stúlkum var ekki marktækur munur virka daga (p=0,052) né á skólatíma (p=0,095). MVPA var marktækt meiri (á báðum viðmiðum) virka daga og um helgar hjá WID drengjum en ID drengjum (alltaf p<0,001) og marktækt meiri hjá WID stúlkum en ID stúlkum á (á báðum viðmiðum) virka daga (bæði p<0,001) en ekki var marktækur munur milli stúlkna um helgar.
Á MVPA>3400 slög/mín náði ekkert barn úr ID hópnum ráðlagðri daglegri hreyfingu skv. ráðleggingum Lýðheilsustöðvar (60 mín/dag) en 14,6-22,0%(helgar-virka daga) WID drengja og 3,3-13,3% (helgar-virka daga) WID stúlkna. Á MVPA>2296 slög/mín náðu 48,8-70,7% (helgar-virka daga) WID drengja ráðleggingum og 6,6–43,3% (helgar-virka daga) WID stúlkna en 6,4-12,8% (helgar-virka daga) ID drengja og 4,1-8,3% (helgar-virka daga) ID stúlkna. ID hópurinn ofmat hreyfingu sína miðað við svör í spurningalista.
Niðurstöður staðfesta að auka þarf daglega hreyfingu íslenskra grunnskólabarna(bæði magn og ákefð) og þá sérstaklega meðal ID barna og unglinga.
Daily physical activity of children with intellectual disability
The aim of this study was to explore daily physical activity among Icelandic primary and secondary school children with intellectual disability (ID) and compare it with the physical activity of their peers without intellectual disability (WID). The participants in the study were 73 ID children and 73 WID children were in the control group. Physical characteristics were
described with weight and height measurements, Body Mass Index (BMI)and waist circumference. Physical activity was assessed with accelerometers. Physical activity of moderate to vigorous intensity (MVPA) was evaluated with two different criteria(MVPA>3400 counts per minute (cpm)and MVPA>2296 cpm) and described as minutes per day (min/day) spent in MVPA. Finally the agreement between accelerometer measurements and answers in the questionarrie was assessed. The ID group had significantly higher BMI (p=0.024) and waist circumferences(p=0.037) than the WID group. The WID group was significantly more active than the ID group after school and on weekends (both p<0.001). The WID boys were significantly more active than the ID boys on weekdays and during school (both p<0.001) but no significant difference was observed between girls on weekdays (p=0.052) or during school
(p=0.095). WID boys had significantly higher MVPA (both on weekdays and weekends according to both criteria) than ID boys (all p<0.001) and WID girls also had significantly higher MVPA than ID girls according to both criteria on weekdays (both p<0.001) but no difference was between girls on weekends. Not a single ID boy or girl met the recommended physical activity of the Institute of Public Health (60 minutes per day) using
MVPA>3400 cpm but 14,6-22,0% (weekend-weekdays) of WID boys and
3,3-13,3% (weekend-weekdays) of WID girls. Using MVPA>2296 cpm 48,8-70,7% of WID boys and 6,6-43,3% of WID girls met the recommendations on weekends and weekdays respectively, whereas the same proportions were 6,4-12,8% among ID boys and 4,1-8,3% among ID girls. According to the questionarrie, the ID group overestimated their physical activity compared to the accelerometer data. The results confirm the need to increase physical activity (both in volume and intensity) for Icelandic
primary and secondary school children, especially among ID children.
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