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Thesis (Master's)

University of Iceland > Félagsvísindasvið > Meistaraprófsritgerðir - Félagsvísindasvið >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://hdl.handle.net/1946/17062

  • Title is in Icelandic Opinber vinnumarkaður: Fjöldaþróun opinberra starfsmanna á árunum 2003-2012
  • Master's
  • Abstract is in Icelandic

    Verkefni þetta fjallar um íslenskan vinnumarkað, sérstaklega opinbera hluta hans. Ítarleg umfjöllun er um þróun og umgjörð íslensks vinnumarkaðar sem og helstu einkenni opinbers vinnumarkaðar. Þá er einnig fjallað um tvo mikilvæga vinnumarkaðstengda þætti, kjarasamninga og stéttarfélög. Meginmarkmið verkefnisins var að skoða þróun fjölda opinberra starfsmanna og benda niðurstöður til þess að þeim fari fjölgandi. Einnig var stéttarfélagsaðild opinberra starfsmanna skoðuð og virðist hún vera allt að 100% og má að mestu leyti skýra það með einu lagaákvæði. Þá voru helstu einkenni opinbers vinnumarkaðar kortlögð og er hann að mörgu leyti talsvert frábrugðinn almennum vinnumarkaði. Til að mynda er stofnanaumhverfi hans meira, launa- og stöðuhækkanir eru fátíðari en það sem tíðkast á almenna vinnumarkaðnum og reka opinberir starfsmenn gjarnan lestina hvað varðar laun og önnur hlunnindi.
    Notast var við tvennskonar rannsóknaraðferðir í verkefninu, annars vegar yfirlitsrannsókn (e. literature review) og hins vegar greiningu á fyrirliggjandi gögnum (e. secondary data analysis). Báðar aðferðirnar heyra undir megindlegar rannsóknaraðferðir. Gögnin sem notuð voru í greiningunni voru tölur um félagsaðild frá Bandalagi starfsmanna ríkis og bæja, Bandalagi háskólamenntaðra og Kennarasambandi Íslands. Gögnin spönnuðu tíu ára tímabil, frá 2003 til 2012. Við gagnagreininguna var einnig notast við gögn um vinnumarkaðinn frá Hagstofu Íslands.
    Lykilorð: Opinber vinnumarkaður, opinberir starfsmenn, ríkið, kjarasamningar, stéttarfélög.

  • This thesis is the final thesis in my Master studies in Human Resource Management at the Faculty of Business Administration, School of Social Sciences at the University of Iceland, counting 30 ECTS units.
    The main purpose of this research is to study the Icelandic Labour Market, focusing on it‘s public sector. Development and framework of the Icelandic Labour Market are reviewed in details, as well as the main characteristics of the public sector. The literature review covers two important labour-related issues, Collective Bargaining Agreements and Trade Unions. The main purpose of this research was to examine the development of the number of public employees on the market. The main findings are that the numbers are steadily growing. Union membership of public employees was also examined and it seems to reach almost 100%. That can largely by explained by a single statutory provision. Main characteristics of the public sector were mapped and they are, in many ways, quite different from the private sector‘s. For example, the institutional environment is stronger, raises in wages and promotions were not as common as in the private sector. Within the Public sector, salaries and other allowances, seem to be much poorer than within the private sector.
    Two types of research methods were used, first a literature review and then secondary data analysis. Both methods are quantitative research methods. The data used in the analysis are data numbers of membership of the Federation of State and Municipal Employees, Association of Academics and the Icelandic Teachers‘ Union. The data covers the years from 2003 to 2012. Labour market data from Statistics Iceland was also used when doing the data analysis.
    Key words: Public sector, public employees, the state/government, collective bargaining agreements, trade unions.

  • Jan 9, 2014
  • http://hdl.handle.net/1946/17062

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