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Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:

  • Titill er á ensku Honne and Tatemae: Exploring the Two Sides of Japanese Society
  • Bakkalár
  • Útdráttur er á ensku

    This thesis is an anthropological investigation of one of the double codes in Japanese society; honne meaning the real self or true feelings and tatemae meaning the facade. This concept is not unique to Japanese society alone however in Japanese society it is instinctively being used. Furthermore Japanese language is among the few languages if not the only language that has clear terms for this behavior.
    The thesis explores the presence of honne and tatemae in all aspects of the society and its effect on Japanese credibility as perceived by an outsider or a foreigner. In all aspects of Japanese society from mundane day-to-day interaction to politics, corporate setting and media among others, Japanese people behaves accordingly depending on the situation they are in. When among the uchi or in-group, Japanese people tend behave using the honne while when dealing with soto or outsiders tatemae or the façade or public face is being shown, making it difficult to read what is really being said and can create confusion and misunderstanding especially for foreigners who are used to accept what is being shown at the outset. When foreigners or outsiders find out that it was not what they thought, foreigners tend to argue that Japanese people are not truthful and questions the credibility of what is being said.

  • 20.1.2014

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