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  • Titill er á ensku Cinderella Theme in Mansfield Park. A None Magical Fairy Tale Ending
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    Mansfield Park was first published in 1814 and written by Jane Austen. The story has fairy tale elements and is influenced by Charles Perrault’s story Cinderella, The Glass Slipper. The Glass Slipper is about a poor neglected young girl that hopes that her own family will accept her as part of the family. After many years of neglect by her family she still manages to find happiness and overcome those who believed that she will never become something more than a cinderwench. Mansfield Park is the story of Fanny Prince, a girl with a poor background, who is neglected by her relatives who see her only as a burden. From a young age she stayed quite while those who were supped to be her family, friends and allies found a way to find faults with her existence in Mansfield Park.
    This B.A. focuses on a thesis on theme from Cinderella and The Glass Slipper are found in Mansfield Park. The heroine is discussed and it is explained why she can be seen as a typical Cinderella. The obstacles she has to face to become the heroine of Mansfield Park. She is being bullied, rejected and neglected by her family to being loved and adored by the same family. Fanny not only won the heart of the man she loved but also the entire family. Fanny is the rock of Mansfield Park. She works really hard and she always put her family’s need above her own and she never stop loving Edmund, the love of her life even if she is pressured to accept the proposal from Henry Crawford, the man that falls in love with her. The minor characters in Mansfield Park are explained and compared with the characters in Cinderella, The Glass Slipper and films adaptation of Cinderella. This is an examination of how the heroine manages to overcome all the obstacles she encountered without having magic to rely on.

  • 20.1.2014

Skráarnafn Stærð AðgangurLýsingSkráartegund 
Cinderella Theme in Mansfield Park. A None Magical Fairy Tale Ending.pdf243,59 kBOpinnHeildartextiPDFSkoða/Opna