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  • Titill er á ensku Hildur : a new luxury skincare line on the anti-aging market
  • Bakkalár
  • Útdráttur er á ensku

    The beauty industry is driven by the obsession with maintaining a youthful appearance. For many years women have been concerned with their looks and the frightening fact of aging, whether it is concerning their body satisfaction, aging anxiety, appearances, sociocultural pressures or their self-esteem. Women look for anti-aging products to conceal or reverse the sign of aging. The anti-aging market is a fast growing market, with constant new innovation on anti-aging ingredients, giving a real hard competition to the new brands out on the market. In a recent report the demand for the cosmeceuticals category is arising and is mainly driven by anti-aging products, that offer better results at a higher cost in in terms of time, money and safety. According to results baby boomers are eager to try out new active anti-aging products that give fast results. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze a new luxurious skincare line Hildur, on the anti-aging market and to find out if there is a gap in the market where there was a room for growth. An extensive market research on the European Cosmetics Markets was performed and a detailed competitive analyzes on both the direct and indirect competitors. According to results, there is a potential for a new luxurious skincare line on the anti-aging market to be successful and penetrate the market. There may be some obstacles that a new brand needs to be aware of and that is why a thourogh market research needs to be conducted. The main obstacles and threats are the competition in this fast paced environment with contstant new innovation and technology. With a strong and clear brand position a new luxurious skincare line on the anti-aging market can succeed if the market is clearly defined and good preperation conducted.

  • Ritgerðin er lokuð til 2020
  • 25.3.2014

Skráarnafn Stærð AðgangurLýsingSkráartegund 
B.Sc_thesis_fall_2013_-_Hildur_Ársælsdóttir.pdf910.74 kBOpinnHeildartextiPDFSkoða/Opna