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The main aim of this thesis is to examine Django Unchained within the context of the Blaxploitation cycle of films. Although this film was automatically assumed, by many to belong to this genre, it does not fit easily within such a rigid label. Indeed, it has been suggested that its director, Quentin Tarantino, a well-known film connoisseur, is paying homage to Blaxploitation. This essay attempts to critique Django Unchained and present the film in a new light by examining the history and genealogy of Blaxploitation films. This is carried out by first identifying the tropes and characteristics of Blaxploitation films and thereby more clearly delineating their generic borders. In addition, the essay examines the sociocultural background out of which these films sprung forth, that is to say from early cinema and the Hollywood studio system. Finally, since the terminology of Blaxploitation is itself problematic, it was crucial to take a thematic approach heavily influenced by notions of intertextuality, as well as to include a historical appendix to assist with the interpretation.
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Marvin BA final May.pdf | 1.9 MB | Opinn | Heildartexti | Skoða/Opna |