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  • Titill er á ensku Comparison study of the use of video surveying techniques and dive surveys in estimating King Scallop (Pecten maximus) populations in the inshore waters of Devon, United Kingdom
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    King scallops (Pecten maximus) are an important national marine resource to the United Kingdom, and the fishery is now the third most valuable in Britain, worth an estimated £49.8 million in 2010. Stock assessments are an important aspect of successful fisheries management, however little is currently known about the state of the UK scallop stocks.The traditional method of using dredges for king scallop stock assessments has been reported to have low efficiency and can be destructive. With closed fishing areas and scallop enhancement having an increased potential as a way forward in fisheries management in certain areas, there is a need for non-destructive methods of surveying with an increased efficiency. This thesis aimed to investigate the suitability of different methods for carrying out king scallop stock assessments in the inshore waters of Devon, United Kingdom. A pyramid frame camera system based on Dr Stokesbury’s SMAST sampling pyramid was compared with a towed flying camera system and dive surveys. The results indicated that the most appropriate method for king scallop stock assessments is the towed flying camera system. This method can cover a large area in a short time period at different
    depths, and king scallops are more detectable with the oblique angle of the camera. Although the pyramid frame was not suitable for king scallop stock assessments, it may be appropriate for use in other marine habitat assessments to advise in the management of
    Marine Protected Areas.

  • 26.8.2014

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Lauren Parkhouse thesis.pdf2,88 MBOpinnHeildartextiPDFSkoða/Opna