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  • Titill er á ensku Exalted Road of Silence: How active-empathetic listening for supervisors is associated to subjective well-being and engagement among employees
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    The purpose of this thesis was to examine how the active-empathetic listening skills of supervisors are associated to the subjective well-being and engagement among their employees, using the Active-Empathetic Listening (AEL) scale, Work-Related Quality of Life (WRQoL) scale and Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UEWS). The sample constisted of 159 participants, aged 20 to 71, with 55.3% being male and 44.7% being female. Examining data showed that employees with a supervisor who scored higher on the AEL scale had a higher score in the general well-being, home-work interface, job and career satisfaction, control at work and working conditions factors within WRQoL scale and the vigour and dedication factors within UWES. The only factors with no significant difference were the stress at work factor of the WRQoL scale and the absorption factor of the UWES. These results indicate that employees working for managers who exhibit higher active-emptathetic listening skills deliver higher job performance, show less absenteeism or counterproductive work and are healthier both mentally and physically. This opens up many possibilities for future research on active-empathetic listening within organizations, such as whether this is a causal relationship and how it varies among different personalities.

  • 19.9.2014

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ExaltedRoadtoSilence.pdf868,06 kBOpinnHeildartextiPDFSkoða/Opna