Listaháskóli Íslands er leiðandi í námi og kennslu skapandi greina og byggir á sterkum tengslum við lista- og menningarlíf í landinu.
Fræðasvið og deildir skólans eru hönnunar- og arkitektúrdeild, listkennsludeild, myndlistardeild, sviðslistadeild og tónlistardeild sem byggðar eru upp af námsbrautum á BA og MA stigi.
Útskriftarverkefni nemenda mótast af fagsviði hverrar listgreinar og samanstendur gjarnan af þremur hlutum; lokaritgerð, útskriftarverkefni og meðfylgjandi greinargerð.
The "Find Item" area below provides the means to search and browse for all theses within the current department.
Clicking one of "Author", "Subject", "Title" or "Dates" below produces a browse page that will assist with iteratively locating a thesis based on the selected attribute.
A list of authors that includes the number of thesis they have authored. The theses for that author can then be selected.
Subject Keywords
A list of subject keywords that includes the number of thesis that have that keyword. All theses with that keywords are then shown when selected.
Listing of theses based on their titles.
Listing of theses based on their date of issue. A filter can be used to narrow the date range of theses presented.
The "Search for" box can be used to enter any text that should be searched against the available theses. Only theses within the current department will be included in the search.