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Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:

  • Titill er á ensku Distribution and motion of hydrogen gas in the Milky Way galaxy
  • Bakkalár
  • Útdráttur er á ensku

    We explored methods of observing hydrogen gas within the MilkyWay galaxy and its motion. We derive expression for velocity of observed gas relative to local standard of rest to model the motion of the interstellar matter and show how we use this model to find the distribution of neutral hydrogen gas throughout the galaxy. We use the LAB data of the 21-cm neutral hydrogen line and apply this model to the data. This model is quite simple and we are ignoring things like turbulence of the gas and we assume the gas moves around the galactic center in perfect circular motion. We calculate the column density of the gas of annuli and find that the distribution of the gas is most concentrated in the galactic plane. As we move out from the center the gas distributes more above and below the plane. We also find that the galactic plane warps at the outer edges of the Milky Way.

  • 15.12.2014

Skráarnafn Stærð AðgangurLýsingSkráartegund 
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