18.5.2015 | ICD ísetningar á Íslandi á árunum 2006-2010. Gæðaeftirlit á fyrstu bjargráðsígræðslum einstaklinga | Eva Mjöll Arnardóttir 1991- |
2.7.2015 | Icelandic Agricultural Sciences er nú viðurkennt ISI-vísindarit | Sigurður Ingvarsson 1956-; Bjarni E. Guðleifsson 1942-; Bjarni Diðrik Sigurðsson 1966-; Þorsteinn Guðmundsson 1948- |
10.6.2015 | Icelandic Agricultural Sciences: Alþjóðlegt tímarit á ensku fyrir vísindagreinar í lífvísindum | Sigurður Ingvarsson 1956-; Bjarni E. Guðleifsson 1942-; Bjarni Diðrik Sigurðsson 1966- |
30.4.2019 | Icelandic community pharmacists’ expectations of future role extensions and training requirements - A needs assessment | Unnur Karen Guðbjörnsdóttir 1993- |
14.5.2018 | Icelandic sarcoma group. Sérstakt meðferðarteymi sarkmeina á Íslandi | Daníel Geir Karlsson 1994- |
3.6.2019 | Icelandic translation and reliability data on the DSM-5 version of the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School Aged Children: Present and Lifetime version (K-SADS-PL) | Ólafur Þórðarson 1993- |
20.5.2011 | The Icelandic Translation of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire - Teacher Form. An investigation of the psychometric properties in a sample of 6-10 year old children | Einar Kári Bogason 1985- |
26.5.2023 | The Icelandic version of the Emetophobia Questionnaire (EmetQ-13) and the Specific Phobia of Vomiting Inventory (SPOVI): Evaluation of the psychometric properties and discriminative abilities in a clinical sample | Sandra Steinunn Fawcett 1998- |
2.6.2022 | The Icelandic version of the PCL-5. Evidence for a one-dimensional model: A factor analytic study | Gunnar Snorri Árnason 1991- |
24.3.2015 | Identification of a breast tumor with microsatellite instability in a potential carrier of the hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer trait | Sigurður Ingvarsson 1956-; Jón Þór Bergþórsson 1966-; Júlíus Guðmundsson 1968-; Aðalgeir Arason 1957-; Valgarður Egilsson 1940- |
15.4.2015 | Identification of a novel splice-site mutation of the BRCA1 gene in two breast cancer families: Screening reveals low frequency in Icelandic breast cancer patients. | Sigurður Ingvarsson 1956-; Jón Þór Bergþórsson 1966-; Aðalbjörg Jónasdóttir 1959-; Guðrún Jóhannesdóttir 1957-; Aðalgeir Arason 1957-; Valgarður Egilsson 1940-; Gayther, Simon; Borg, Åke; Håkanson, Sara; Rósa Björk Barkardóttir 1958- |
11.6.2015 | Identification of miRNAs in a liver of a human fetus by a modified method | Sigurður Ingvarsson 1956-; Dong Liu; Jing Fan; Manxue Mei; Huiping Chen, 1965- |
15.6.2021 | Identification of novel genetic loci for risk of multiple myeloma by functional annotation | Klara Briem 1997- |
25.4.2018 | Identification of Serum Proteins that Predict Response to Statin Treatment | Jóhann Arnar Björnsson 1992- |
19.4.2024 | IgG-glycosylation and hexamerization as inducers of cell death by IgG3 subclass antibodies | Sóley Diljá Sigurðardóttir 1997- |
23.2.2022 | iHOT-12 og HAGOS spurningalistar við mat á einkennum og færni í mjöðm og nára: Áreiðanleiki íslenskrar þýðingar | Jón Helgi Ingvarsson 1994- |
10.7.2019 | iHOT-12 og HAGOS spurningalistar: Réttmæti íslenskrar þýðingar | Smári Hrafnsson 1993- |
16.5.2014 | Iktsýki og infliximab: Tengjast virkjaðar T-frumur og T-stýrifrumur meðferðarárangri? | Eva Hrund Hlynsdóttir 1992- |
23.5.2011 | Ill meðferð á dýrum. Fræðileg samantekt | Júlía Dögg Haraldsdóttir 1986-; Sólveig Helga Sigfúsdóttir 1981- |
11.10.2012 | Immune modulation in Staphylococcus aureus-induced arthritis by a combination of antibiotics and inhibition of Interleukin-15 | Berglind Bergmann Sverrisdóttir 1988- |
18.9.2013 | Immunomodulatory effects of a heteroglycan from the cyanobacterium Nostoc commune on THP-1 monocytes | Ástríður Ólafsdóttir 1988- |
2.6.2015 | The Impact of BRCA2 on Homologous Recombination and PARP Inhibitor Sensitivity Examined in BRCA2 Heterozygous Cell Lines | Stefán Þór Hermanowicz 1989- |
31.5.2021 | The impact of comorbid depression: an exploration of comorbidity and inter-rater reliability of the DSM-5 K-SADS-PL among depressed and non-depressed youth | Arna Jónsdóttir 1986- |
18.4.2024 | Impact of COVID-19 on prescribing of medicines in children and adolescents | Katrín Þóra Gunnarsdóttir 1998- |
10.6.2013 | The impact of glucocorticoid replacement therapy on bone mineral density in patients with hypopituitarism before and after growth hormone replacement therapy | Hjálmar Ragnar Agnarsson 1988- |