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Titlar 2.948 til 2.972 af 4.568
11.5.2023Paediatric Early Warning Score (PEWS): Viðhorf, þekking og reynsla hjúkrunarfræðinga og lækna á Barnaspítala Hringsins eftir innleiðinguGuðný Björg Rögnvaldsdóttir 1998-; Helga Bergsdóttir 1993-; Hulda Rós Arndísardóttir 1997-
3.5.2023Paediatric traumatic brain injuries: a descriptive analysis of incidence, visits, cause, and admission rates in Iceland from 2010 to 2021.Svana Katla Þorsteinsdóttir 1994-
16.3.2016Palliative care nurses facilitating the advance care planning discussion with patients newly diagnosed with lung cancer. Patients’ and families’ experienceKristín Lára Ólafsdóttir 1973-
27.5.2021Paranoid Thinking: Investigating the Role of Cognitive Factors Using Virtual RealityÁgúst Pálsson 1993-
25.4.2018Parasetamóleitranir á Landspítala. Umfang og eðli þeirra og verklag við meðhöndlun.Þorbjörg Andrea Friðriksdóttir 1991-
6.6.2018Parental Emotional Reactions and Support Following Childhood Sexual Abuse: Relationships with Children’s Depressive, Anxiety and Post-traumatic SymptomsHelga Theódóra Jónasdóttir 1989-
1.6.2023Parent-youth agreement on diagnoses and symptoms of anxietySaga Sól Kristínardóttir Karlsdóttir 1998-
4.10.2010PARP inhibition tested in a mammary epithelial cell line modelAnna María Halldórsdóttir 1985-
25.5.2018Partar sem tanngervi. Nýjungar og framtíðin.Berglind Sigurþórsdóttir 1980-; Sigríður Ásta Einarsdóttir 1980-
7.5.2018Partial Loss of A-Type Ion Current in the Olfactory Bulb Projection Neurons of Mice Lacking MITFHallur Reynisson 1991-
19.9.2013Partial nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma. A population-based study on kidney function following nephrectomyElín Maríusdóttir 1984-
10.10.2008Patterns of physical activity in 9 and 15 year-old children in IcelandNanna Ýr Arnardóttir 1982-
19.4.2024Pediatric Cabenuva® Dosage: A Comprehensive Physiological AnalysisÁstþór Ingi Hannesson 1998-
25.8.2011Pelvic floor muscle function before and after first childbirth and women´s perception of quality of the contractionÞorgerður Sigurðardóttir 1961-
2.6.2022Pelvic organ prolapse - Pelvic floor, abdominal and leg strengthFanney Magnúsdóttir 1989-
14.5.2018Peripheral Neuropathy, an Underrecognized Comorbidity in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia? Population-based studyHerdís Hergeirsdóttir 1995-
17.4.2024Peri-operative Medication-induced Delirium in Patients with and without Dementia: A Systematic Literature Review of Original StudiesGuðrún Lóa Sverrisdóttir 1999-
29.5.2015Persistent organic pollutants, diet and blood cholesterolMargrét Skúladóttir 1981-
2.6.2020Personal and perceived depression stigma: Magnitude and predictors in formerly depressed and never depressed individualsKristín Hulda Gísladóttir 1994-
2.6.2009Persónuleikaraskanir og ADHD hjá föngumKristín Erla Ólafsdóttir 1985-
23.6.2014Persónuleiki D, tengsl við óheilsusamlega hegðunHaukur Ísleifsson 1991-; Marín Jónsdóttir 1991-
29.4.2015Pharmacological study of the effect of placental protein 13 (PP-13) in non-pregnant ratsMargrét Soffía Runólfsdóttir 1988-
21.4.2023Phenazine 5,10-dioxides as potent inhibitors of Candida growth: Synthesis and structure-activity relationshipsDagmar Ísleifsdóttir 1997-
16.6.2023The phenotypic effect of endothelial cells on pancreatic cancer spheroidsHafdís Björk Þórðardóttir 1997-
19.9.2022Phycocyanin. Shelf life and use as colorant in skin careÍris Thordersen 1982-