Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:
Augu fræðimanna á sviði eineltismála hafa á síðastliðnum árum beinst í ríkari mæli að rafrænu einelti sem er afbrigði hins hefðbundna. Með aukinni tækniþróun síðustu ára hefur samskiptaleiðum eineltis fjölgað til muna sem leitt hefur til þess að gerendur geta nú nálgast þolendur sína með mun fleiri leiðum en áður. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að skoða rafrænt einelti með tilliti til líkamsímyndar og líkamsþyngdarstuðuls (BMI) þátttakenda sem voru nemendur í 10. bekk í grunnskólum landsins. Gögnin fengust úr hluta af alþjóðlegu gagnasafni HBSC-rannsóknarinnar (Health Behaviours in School-Aged Children) frá árinu 2014. Niðurstöðurnar benda til þess að því þyngri sem einstaklingur er því líklegri er hann til þess að verða fyrir rafrænu einelti og því neikvæðari líkamsímynd sem einstaklingur hefur því líklegra er að hann verði þolandi. Þá eru drengir með neikvæða líkamsímynd líklegri en stúlkur til að verða þolendur rafræns eineltis.
Lykilorð: rafrænt einelti, líkamsímynd, BMI, einelti
Over the past few years researchers have paid more attention to cyberbullying which is a variant of traditional bullying. In the past decade or so there has been a great progress in the field of technology which has resulted in new ways of communication for bullies to reach their victims. This study aims at looking at cyberbullying with regards to body image and body mass index (BMI) of 10th grade elementary school students in Iceland. The data was a part of the international HBSC study (Health Behaviours in School-Aged Children) collected in 2014. The results show that the more a person weighs the more likely he/she is to be a victim of cyberbullying. Our results also show that if a person has a negative body image the more likely the person is to be victimized. Boys with a negative body image are more likely than girls to be victims of cyberbullying.
Keywords: cyberbullying, body-image, BMI, bullying
Over the past few years researchers have paid more attention to cyberbullying which is a variant of traditional bullying. In the past decade or so there has been a great progress in the field of technology which has resulted in new ways of communication for bullies to reach
their victims. This study aims at looking at cyberbullying with regards to body image and body mass index (BMI) of 10th grade elementary school students in Iceland. The data was a part of the international HBSC study (Health Behaviours in School-Aged Children) collected in 2014. The results show that the more a person weighs the more likely he/she is to be a victim of cyberbullying. Our results also show that if a person has a negative body image the more likely the person is to be victimized. Boys with a negative body image are more likely than girls to be victims of cyberbullying.
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lokaritgerð rétt 2.mai.pdf | 580,05 kB | Opinn | Heildartexti | Skoða/Opna |