Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:
This essay examines early-modern to modern Sino-African relations and interactions, with a particular focus on African voices and sources. Starting with a brief history of interactions and aid focused on the Chinese side of the equation, where the two main periods of Chinese
thought on international relations are qualified, it then goes into detail about how the Chinese State currently operates in Africa, with a look both at the postitive sides of its support, both political as well as economical as well as the problems that follow said support. It then goes into the private sphere, looking both at the costs and benefits of
Chinese corporate entry into Africa, by examining the effects on firstly resource extracting industries and then the service sector. Finally it briefly discusses how African and international public organizations are affecting the equation.
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Hilmar Bjarni Hilmarsson BA NeoColonization or Continental Realization.pdf | 738,93 kB | Opinn | Heildartexti | Skoða/Opna | |
Yfirlýsing_Hilmar.pdf | 403,21 kB | Lokaður | Yfirlýsing |