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Titlar 6 til 30 af 414
8.2.2010A Sustainability Assessment Protocol for Geothermal UtilizationShortall, Ruth, 1981-
5.5.2014Accounting for the Utilisation of Energy Resources within the Genuine Progress IndicatorCook, David, 1983-
28.5.2020Adverse Life Events, Autoimmune Diseases and Fibromyalgia Among Women: Findings from the SAGA Cohort in IcelandNanna Margrét Kristinsdóttir 1993-
2.6.2014Að Jökla: Ecolinguistic Activism through Acoustic Ecology, Countermapping, Travel Wreading, and Conversations with LandscapesRawlings, Angela Marie 1978-
1.7.2013Að ná stjórn á vinnutengdum verkjum. Árangur þjálfunar með endurgjöf vöðvarits við að draga úr vöðvaspennu og vinnutengdum verkjum hjá læknariturumBerglind Helgadóttir 1956-
30.11.2015Aðgengi að matvöru í framhaldsskóla á höfuðborgarsvæðinu og nærumhverfi hans og neysluvenjur nemendaHildur Björnsdóttir 1979-
8.10.2018AERMOD Modeling of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Concentration from Geothermal Power Plants in Ulubelu, Indonesia, and Hellisheidi-Nesjavellir, IcelandIrma Khoirunissa 1979-
22.9.2014Afdrif fólks sem fengið hefur fjárhagsaðstoð til framfærslu. Eftirfylgd og áhrifaþættirKristjana Gunnarsdóttir 1959-
5.10.2018Afforestation and biodiversity: Changes in biodiversity of birds, beetles and ground vegetation along a successional gradient in a black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) plantation in South IcelandGundelach, Tallulah, 1992-
27.1.2010Air pollution in Reykjavík and use of drugs for obstructive airway diseasesKrage Carlsen, Hanne, 1981-
22.10.2012Akstur utan vega á Íslandi: Viðhorf og ástæðurKristín Þóra Jökulsdóttir 1985-
26.4.2024AM 180 a fol. and AM 180 b fol. Studies in script and orthographyEric William Blue 1991-
31.5.2023Analysing the Costs and Benefits of Green Building Certifications: A study on stakeholder experience of using BREEAM and the Nordic Swan in IcelandGuðrún Heiður Ísaksdóttir 1989-
30.5.2023Analysis of Regenerative Agriculture Practices on Soil and EnergyPaul Joseph Hill 1994-
26.1.2024Analyzing Local and Sustainable Food Options in Icelandic Communities: Locally Produced Fish and VegetablesLiam Neil Doucette 1997-
24.10.2011Andleg heilsa kvenna í tengslum við námskeiðið „Njóttu þess að borða“: Meðferð byggð á hugrænni atferlismeðferð fyrir konur í yfirvigtHelga Sævarsdóttir 1968-
4.1.2022The Application of a Bioeconomic Model to Analyse the Jamaican Industrial Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) FisheryKimberlee Cooke-Panton 1986-
16.5.2013Aquaculture and the Environment. Life Cycle Assessment on Icelandic Arctic char fed with three different feed typesBirgir Örn Smárason 1984-
3.2.2015Art on the ground: An exploration into human-nature relationshipsEmslie, Louise, 1987-
29.1.2021Assessing a data-limited horse mackerel stock using the Gadget modelling frameworkVictor Wendulika Agostinho 1991-
5.6.2020Assessing ecosystem services for land restoration in Iceland: a public participatory GIS approachGeorge David King 1993-
3.10.2019The Association Between Psychological Trauma and Myocardial Infarction Among Women: A population-based studyHarpa Einarsdóttir 1993-
25.9.2020Association between sexual harassment or violence in the work or school environment and signs of burnout among women in IcelandGylfi Hvannberg 1992-
21.6.2023Associations between socioeconomic factors, residence, physical activity, dietary trends and nutrition: Results from the 2019-2021 Icelandic National Dietary SurveyMargrét Jóhannsdóttir 1995-
6.6.2013Áhrif atferlismeðferðar við offitu með eða án magahjáveituaðgerðar á andlega líðan og þyngd. 3-4 ára eftirfylgdMaríanna Þórðardóttir 1983-