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  • Titill er á ensku Topical Formulation Comprising Fatty Acid Extract from Cod-liver Oil: Development, Evaluation and Stability Studies
  • Þróun útvortis lyfs sem inniheldur fitusýrur unnar úr þorskalýsi
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    The current study was designed to develop a pharmaceutical formulation that contained fish oil extract rich in free omega 3 FAs such as EPA and DHA for topical use. Although the health benefits of cod-liver oil and other fish oils taken as a dietary supplement have been vastly acknowledged and exploited, it is clear that their use could be further extended to cover other biological properties. Based on in vitro evaluation, 20% (v/v) fish oil extract was found to be highly potent against gram-positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptoccoccus pyogenes and Streptoccoccus pneumonia. Therefore, free PUFAs from cod-liver oil or other fish oils could be useful as safe and natural antibacterial agents.
    Today, varieties of natural and synthetic waxes are used in numerous cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food applications for texture enhancement and benefits in sensory profile. Seen from a pharmacological aspect, waxes are recognized as a potential for enhancing aesthetics and maximizing therapeutic benefits on topical formulation by viscosity building and prolonging the retention time.
    In this study, ointment compositions containing FFAs as active antibacterial agents were prepared by using various natural waxes and characterized. The effects of different waxes, such as carnauba, ozokerite, laurel, beeswax, rice bran, candelilla and microcrystalline wax, in the concentration range 1 to 5% (w/w) on the ointment texture, consistency and stability were evaluated. The results showed significant variations in texture and sensory profile. This was attributed to the wax nature and chain composition. Microcristalline wax gave the best results but laurel wax, beeswax and rice bran wax also gave excellent texturing, similar sensory profile and well-balanced rheological properties.

  • 4.5.2016

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Topical Formulation Comprising Fatty Acid Extract.pdf4.67 MBOpinnHeildartextiPDFSkoða/Opna
Biljana Ilievska.pdf21.34 kBOpinnYfirlýsingPDFSkoða/Opna