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  • Titill er á ensku Anxiety and Depression Among Icelandic Footballers. Prevalence of symptoms, stigma, and help-seeking
  • Bakkalár
  • Útdráttur er á ensku

    The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms among athletes, with an emphasis on distinguishing between sport performance anxiety and general anxiety. Additionally, stigma and help-seeking related to these mental disorders were examined. The participants of the study were 184 Icelandic top league football players. Five questionnaires were administered: (1) a background questionnaire containing questions concerning the players’ age, gender, and national team experience, (2) the Sport Anxiety Scale-2 (SAS-2) to measure sport performance anxiety, (3) the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) to measure symptoms of general anxiety and depression, (4) the Depression Stigma Scale (DSS) to measure personal and perceived stigma, (5) a questionnaire including questions related to help-seeking. Our findings showed a strong positive correlation between symptoms of sport performance anxiety and general anxiety. A significant gender difference was found on SAS-2 and HADS anxiety subscale, with female players scoring significantly higher, but no such difference was found regarding depression. Results indicated no significant difference in scores on either of the HADS subscales, between injured and non-injured players. Interpretation of anxiety symptoms was not found to be more facilitative among players who had played for the national team, as opposed to players who had not played for the national team. Perceived stigma scores were significantly higher than personal stigma scores. Regarding how difficult participants would find seeking help if experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression, no gender difference was found. On the basis of the results of this research, it can be concluded that a distinction between sport performance anxiety and general anxiety has to be made when investigating anxiety among athletes. This supports the view that a distinction is essential in order to avoid overdiagnosis.

  • 20.5.2016

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