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The majority of the atmosphere is inert N2 , which has to be converted to NH3 to be usable for organism. This conversion is achieved by diazotrophs that contain the enzyme nitrogenase. The system has been studied for a long time yet the mechanism is still unknown. A QM/MM model of the MoFe protein of nitrogenase was used to explore mechanistic aspects of substrate reduction at the FeMo cofactor
(FeMoco). The project consisted of five parts:
• The spin coupling of the resting state of the protein
• Carbon monoxide inhibition of the protein
• The structure of the singly reduced FeMoco
• Structural aspects of the P-cluster
• Hydrazine reduction by the enzyme
Broken-symmetry solutions of the resting state of FeMoco were explored with different density functionals (BP86, TPSSh and B3LYP). Lowest energy broken-symmetry solutions were in agreement with previous work. Substrate adducts were found to influence spin states energies, and the CO inhibited FeMoco features a spin configuration that differs from the resting state. We also explored structural aspects of the singly reduced state of FeMoco with promising preliminary results.
Investigations of the P-cluster led to a QM/MM optimized structure in acceptable agreement with the crystal structure. Attempts to calculate the redox potentials revealed sensitivity with respect to the broken-symmetry solutions that needs to be resolved by future calculations. Lastly, binding and reduction of hydrazine was explored at both Mo and Fe atoms and compared to synthetic MoFeS cubane clusters.
Meirihluti andrúmslofts er óhvarfgjarnt N2 , sem nýtist ekki lífverum nema því sé umbreytt í NH3 . Þessi umbreyting er framkvæmd af diazotroph bakteríum sem innihalda ensímið nítrógenasa. Þetta kerfi hefur verið mikið rannsakað án þess að virkni þess sé að fullu útskýrð. QM/MM líkan af MoFe próteini var notað til að kanna virkni þess í afoxun hvarfefna með FeMo hjálparþættinum (FeMoco). Þetta verkefni samanstóð af fimm hlutum:
• Spunakúplanir grunnástand FeMoco
• Hindraður kolmónoxíð FeMoco
• Bygging á einnar rafeindar afoxuðum FeMoco
• Byggingareiginleikar P-klasans
• Afoxun hýdrasín með ensíminu
Mismunandi lausnir með rofna spunasamhverfu fyrir grunnástand FeMoco voru kannaðar með nokkrum þéttnifellum (BP86, TPSSh og B3LYP). Orkulægsta lausnin var í góðu samræmi við fyrri rannsóknir. Bundin hvarfefni reyndust hafa áhrif á orkur spunaástands og CO hindraður FeMoco var með spunamynstur sem var frábrugðið grunnástandinu. Einnig könnuðum við byggingareiginleika á einnar rafeindar afoxuðum FeMoco. Þær niðurstöður lofa góðu.Rannsókn á P-klasanum gaf QM/MM lágmarkaða byggingu í ágætu samræmi við þekkta kristalbyggingu; tilraunir til að reikna afoxunarmætti klasans, leiddu í ljós næmni fyrir spunalausnum sem krefst frekari reikninga. Að endingu var afoxun hýdrasíns könnuð bæði á Mo og Fe atómum FeMoco og borin saman við MoFeS kúbanklasa.
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