Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:
The purpose of the research is to discover the possibility of creating a mentoring tool, which empowers the learner, and moves away from labeling learner’s inabilities and barriers. A tool that will see the learner thrive and move away from a survival state in traditional learning environments. Shifting away from ‘‘teacher and student’ to ‘mentor and learner’ relationships through co-creative techniques.
Combining academic disciplines in problem solving, discoveries and experiences encouraging curiosity, away from the classroom and towards the natural world. Empowering learners to be bold, critical and curious in their endeavours. Being mindful to question their position as co-inhabitants of the world whilst being intuitive to imagination and fantasy. Inspire learners to discover nature through geometric shapes and process these discoveries into tactile outcomes, possibly learning mathematical/logical patterns,
scientific discoveries and even inventing their own Music, Art, Design and outcomes. Looking at future technologies such as virtual worlds and 3D printing. Being practical, creative and analytical of their outcomes. Whilst using Pi, Phi and Fibonacci as a metaphor for mapping their growth and a process of ‘becoming’.
Highlighting the importance of ‘ownership’ of the learner’s journey and discoveries is the property of the learner. Whilst attaching the importance of mentor and learner relationship.
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SineadMcCarron_ThesisApril2016_OL2.compressed.pdf | 6.37 MB | Opinn | Heildartexti | Skoða/Opna |