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Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:

  • Titill er á ensku Beneath the surface : towards improved management of the scuba diving tourism system in Tofo, Mozambique
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    Natural resource management is essential in areas where livelihoods depend on them. Scuba diving tourism has become one of the fastest growing markets for special interest tourism in the world. Coral degradation and species disappearance poses a great risk for livelihoods in areas where SCUBA diving tourism is the main economic driver. Praia do Tofo emerged as a diving destination thanks to the year round presence of captivating marine mega fauna species: manta rays and whale sharks. Concerns have surfaced in recent years because of the degradation of the reefs around the popular dive sites and because the sightings of the mega fauna species has decreased radically.
    In order to support the sustainability of the dive industry of Tofo a partial stakeholder analysis on the Scuba Diving Tourism System (SDTS) in Tofo was conducted. Nineteen individual in-depth interviews and two focus group meetings were conducted with selected key stakeholders of the scuba diving tourism system. Main findings are that the dive tourism industry is perceived as the key driver of Tofo’s economy and the majority of livelihoods depend on it; that the main attraction for dive tourists is diving with the manta rays and whale sharks; that there is a desire for more opportunities for marine/environmental education for locals; that there is good relations between the stakeholders that allows for collaborative solutions to preserve the reefs.
    Management suggestions include dive center micro management options to alleviate diving pressure on certain reefs, a proposal to resurrect the Divers Association of Mozambique in some form, and to continue the work done to implement a marine protected area in Tofo.

  • Verkefnið er unnið við Háskólasetur Vestfjarða
    Verkefnið er lokað til 27.5.2017.
  • 28.6.2016

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