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Recently the much researched and validated cognitive test battery for dementia screening, Addenbrooke's cognitive examination (ACE-III) was translated into Icelandic. The aim of the study was to collect Icelandic norms for the elderly on the Icelandic version of the ACE (t-ACE) and evaluate whether age or education stratified cut-off scores should be used. The t-ACE was administered to 80 (46 women) cognitively healthy 65-85 year old volunteers with an average of 12.7 years of schooling. The results revealed little difference in performance between age groups. Participants with higher education did perform significantly better on the t-ACE with an average of 95.9 points compared to 90.2 and 90.6 points for those with secondary or elementary education. Furthermore, the correlation between years of schooling and t-ACE score was R = 0.54. The normative data were comparable to what had been seen in other countries and the Icelandic translation of the test appears to be adequate. The performance on the t-ACE was strongly influenced by the individual's education level, indicating that education stratified cut-off scores might be necessary.
Keywords: aging, Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination, dementia, cognitive assessment
Nýlega var Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination prófið þýtt á íslensku. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að safna normum meðal eldri borgara fyrir tölvu ACE (t-ACE) og meta hvort sérstök aldurs eða menntunar fráviksskor væru ákjósanleg. T-ACE prófið var lagt fyrir 80 (46 konur) heilbrigða einstaklinga, en meðallengd skólagöngu þeirra var 12.7 ár. Niðurstöður leiddu í ljós að lítill munur var á frammistöðu einstaklinga eftir aldri. Aftur á móti stóðu þeir sem voru með háskólapróf sig mun betur en fólk með framhaldskóla eða grunnskólapróf (95,9 stig samanborið við 90,2 stig og 90,6 stig). Ennfremur var fylgnin milli fjölda ára í skóla og frammistöðu á prófinu R = 0,54. Normagögnin voru sambærileg þeim normum sem söfnuð hafa verið í öðrum löndum og reyndist íslenska þýðingin fullnægjandi. Sterkt samband milli frammistöðu á t-ACE og menntunarstigs gefur til kynna að sérstök fráviksskor sem taka tillit til menntunar ættu að vera notuð.
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Norms for the Icelandic version of the ACE-III.pdf | 1,48 MB | Open | Heildartexti | View/Open |