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Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:

  • The clinical nurse specialist in Landspítali-University Hospital. What is the content of their work?
  • Meistara
  • In recent years advanced practice nursing has been evolving worldwide, the
    development being most advanced in the USA. Many countries are in the
    process of defining the role of advanced practice nurses and much has been
    written and discussed about their role and suitable educational background.
    Advanced practice nurses have proved to increase efficiency in health
    institutions and research has revealed fewer complications in patients, fewer
    in hospital days and lower costs where they work.
    Specialization in nursing has been available in Iceland for many years;
    the current act on specialists in nursing dates from 2003.
    The purpose of this research was to examine the content of the clinical
    nurse specialist’s work at Landspítali University Hospital in the year 2008.
    The research was descriptive, 15 of the 19 CNSs working at
    Landspítalinn during the time of the study participating. Activity diaries
    were used for data collection for 7 days.
    The results show that of CNSs relative work hours the largest
    proportion was spent on education, expert practice and institutional activities
    while the smallest proportion went on research and job development. After
    each day CNS´s evaluated how their background as a CNS had benefitted
    them on a scale of 0 “did not benefit” to 10 “benefit greatly”. The average
    evaluation over the study period was 8.7. The participants could register up
    to four separate activities performed during each fifteen minute period and in
    42% of cases the CNS´s performed from two to four activities in the timeperiod.
    These results show that the work of the CNS at Landspítalinn
    University Hospital is very diverse and the results can be used in further
    development of their work at the hospital and elsewhere.

  • 12.5.2009

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The clinical nurse specialist in Landspítali-University Hospital. What is the content of their work.pdf1.16 MBLokaðurHeildartextiPDF