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  • Titill er á ensku Third Culture Kids and How They Can Teach Multiculturalism
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    Examined in the following paper is the social individual known as a Third Culture Kid (TCK), and how they are essential in communicating support for multiculturalism. Globalization has increased the prevalence of diversity within nations worldwide, and populations are only becoming more mixed. This is an inevitability, yet there remain voices of uncertainty and opposition against it. Therefore, advocates of multiculturalism must put an effort into persuading a more supportive attitude in more people, and this is where TCKs come in. TCKs are individuals that spent their childhood and adolesence living in (usually) more than one culture outside of that of their parents. What defines TCKs is unidentified they are. They typically do not identify with a single culture because of the brief amount they reside in a culture and their frequent relocation. Though this mobility can be emotionally distressing, it also awakens adaptability and openmindedness; traits that are ideal in an increasingly diversified world. TCKs both directly and indirectly have a lot to teach on pro-multiculturalism, ranging from their mere presence, to advice and assistance on multicultural teaching methods. With more support and inclusion of TCKs, nations can slowly adapt more culturally open attitudes; something necessary to their changing world.

  • 28.6.2017

Skráarnafn Stærð AðgangurLýsingSkráartegund 
Thesis-Spring 2017-Luis M Arreaga.pdf511,89 kBOpinnHeildartextiPDFSkoða/Opna
luis_declaration.pdf265,93 kBLokaðurDeclarationPDF