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Thesis (Master's)

University of Akureyri > Hug- og félagsvísindasvið > Meistaraprófsritgerðir >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://hdl.handle.net/1946/29632

  • Title is in Icelandic Vendikennsla : könnun á reynslu og viðhorfum nemenda Háskóla Íslands
  • Master's
  • Abstract is in Icelandic

    Miklar breytingar hafa orðið á kennslu- og námsumhverfi kennara og nemenda á öllum skólastigum samfara hröðum tækniframförum. Þannig hafa orðið til nýjar aðferðir til miðlunar og úrvinnslu námsefnis sem ekki væru mögulegar nema fyrir tilstilli tækninnar. Í hópi þeirra er kennsluaðferðin sem verður viðfangsefni þessarar ritgerðar, vendikennsla (e. flipped classroom) en með notkun hennar verður framlag kennarans aðgengilegt nemendum á netinu fyrir kennslustund og kennslustundin sjálf er svo nýtt til úrvinnslu verkefna eða umræðu.
    Meginmarkmið ritgerðarinnar var að kanna útbreiðslu og viðhorf til vendikennslu á háskólastigi sem og afla upplýsinga um reynslu háskólanemenda af vendikennslu á fyrri skólastigum. Í því skyni var könnun lögð fyrir nemendur á grunn- og meistarastigi í Háskóla Íslands haustið 2017 og fengust 645 svör við könnuninni.
    Niðurstöður leiddu í ljós að yfir helmingur nemenda sem tók þátt í könnuninni töldu að þeir hefðu setið námskeið á háskólastigi þar sem vendikennsla var notuð og þegar könnunin var lögð fyrir taldi helmingur svarenda að þeir sætu námskeið sem kennt var undir þeim formerkjum. Meirihluti svarenda taldi vendikennslu henta sér vel eða mjög vel og þeir sem höfðu reynslu af vendikennslu frá fyrri skólastigum voru einnig jákvæðir eða mjög jákvæðir gagnvart notkun hennar.
    Vendikennsla er kennsluaðferð sem er greinilega nýtt í Háskóla Íslands og nemendur eru í miklum meirihluta ánægðir með. Það eru vissulega kostir og gallar við allar kennsluaðferðir sem nauðsynlegt er að hafa í huga þegar ákveðið er hvaða kennsluaðferð skal velja. Með tilkomu nýrrar tækni og breyttum áherslum á 21. öldinni, þar sem það er álíka nauðsynlegt fyrir nemendur að hafa vald á þekkingunni og að þeir geti nýtt hana á nýstárlegan máta við úrlausn vandamála, þá getur vendikennslan hentað vel sem ein kennsluaðferða til að koma til móts við breyttar kröfur samfélagsins.

  • Teaching and learning methods have changed over the past few decades at all levels of education and those changes are in large part due to new technological developments. With rapid evolution of information technology, new teaching methods have emerged which focus on better distribution and accessibility of education, using the ubiquitous information technology that is now available to access information easily. With that development, the classroom and teaching methods need to change.
    The subject of this thesis is the flipped classroom teaching method. A broad definition of the flipped classroom teaching method was made by Aaron Sams and Jonathan Bergmann and their definition centers around the delivery of the subject matter from the teacher to the students being made available to the students on the internet before class. The class time is used to work with the new information in a structured work-based manner or with discussions.
    The main goal of the research in this thesis was to ascertain how widespread flipped teaching is at the university level in Iceland and what opinions the students have of this teaching method. As part of this research, data was also gathered about the students’ previous experience with the flipped classroom method at earlier school levels.
    A quantitative research survey was conducted in the autumn of 2017 among students in both bachelor and masters’ studies in the University of Iceland; 645 responses were gathered.
    Results show that over half of the students who answered the survey have taken a university course where the flipped classroom method was used, and half of those students are currently in the same kind of course.
    Most responses stated that the flipped classroom suits the students well in their university studies and those who had experience with the flipped classroom method at younger educational levels also had a positive attitude towards use of the model there.
    The flipped classroom model is a teaching method that is obviously being used in the University of Iceland and the students are in great majority happy about using it in their studies. Of course, there are both benefits and drawbacks to using the method which need to be addressed when teachers decide to use the flipped classroom model. With new technology and change in focus about what qualifies as a capable graduate student, rote memorization of facts is no longer the main focus as students must also learn how to apply the knowledge they have acquired.

  • Feb 19, 2018
  • http://hdl.handle.net/1946/29632

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