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Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:

  • Titill er á ensku The Making of Secretariat: A Comparative Study of Three Approaches to the Story of America’s Greatest Racing Horse: William Nack’s Secretariat: The Making of a Champion (1975), the Walt Disney Film Secretariat (2010), and John Tweedy’s Documentary Penny and Red (2013)
  • Bakkalár
  • Útdráttur er á ensku

    The story of Secretariat is on its own an extraordinary one as it revolves around the greatest American thoroughbred horse that won the Triple Crown in 1973 and its owner Penny Chenery Tweedy, who was in her own right a pioneer among women in the equestrian world. What makes it even more remarkable is the gradual emergence of this story through three different sources. William Nack's book Secretariat: the Making of a Champion (1975) takes us through the actual detailed events of Secretariat's progress prior to and during his racing years, exploring his blood-line and the key players in the breeding business, but coincidently casting a shadow on Penny’s role in the process. On the other hand, the film director Randall Wallace amplifies Penny's character, adding a note of unrealistic perfection. This is not surprising as such, since the film is a Disney production and Disney has a specific formula for its heroines whereby they must be just, innocent and pleasant – something Penny not always was in reality. The plot revolves mostly around Penny and omissions of facts are made in order to create a more pleasing story for a wider audience. The contrast between the two sources gives a better idea of the actual unfolding of events during Secretariat's reign, but what brings the story full circle is the documentary made by John Tweedy, Penny & Red (2013), which provides us with the missing links from the previous two sources, and finally allows us to see the full picture, warts and all. Just as Penny Chenery breaks boundaries for women in the equestrian world, inspiring them to take part as owners, trainers and jockeys, Secretariat inspires a whole nation by breaking all three Triple Crown records – records that still stand, indisputable proof of his extraordinary strength and endurance.

  • 9.5.2018

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