Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:
What will take place here on these pages is my experimental way of understanding the world as a whole, not excluding its spirit. I am wondering where it went and if we can find it again; the spirit? I am also wondering how my ideas are in coherence with other slow-designers of the past and the future that have with their slow design showed their affection for our surroundings. I will take a look into their experiments and experiences with slow-design making and their strong belief in building relationships on a human sized scale and the importance of creating a holistic overview to make sure that what we are making is in coherence to our needs and surroundings. To look for support and again find the faith and belief that the world is good and the slow pace of life is more than fine! I am a thinking body as the rest of us and therefore I will talk about the importance of craftsman skill and slow-design for my love for our mutual environment, dear Mother Earth, thanks to her we are still here. Her gifts to us in the form of raw material, in forms of ecological food or to build us a shelter are invaluable. I will share with you what I have learned from my life as a slow-maker and what these thinkers have added to it, to be able to design in a co-existing way with nature and its spirit.
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