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Thesis (Master's)

University of Akureyri > Viðskipta- og raunvísindasvið > Meistaraprófsritgerðir >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://hdl.handle.net/1946/31324

  • Sensitivity of OGGM´s calving parameterization to variations in calving front width
  • Master's
  • The Open Global Glacier Model (OGGM) may be the first computer model able to simulate glacier dynamics on a global scale, making it a potentially invaluable tool for environmental managers and scientists. In its current stage of development, all glaciers fed through the model are automatically treated as land-terminating, meaning that OGGM ignores all mass loss due to the calving of water-terminating glaciers. Initial attempts to implement a calving mechanism have yielded unrealistically high calving flux and glacier volume output. This study examines the potential of refined calving front measurements to lower this output. 80 calving fronts were manually delineated using ArcticDEM, a database of high-resolution Arctic and Subarctic elevation data, and their widths were used to test the sensitivity of OGGM’s calving flux and glacier volume output to variations in width input. Findings indicated that OGGM’s calving mechanism returns calving flux and volume output which vary negatively with width input in a predictable and uniform way. Because manually-delineated calving fronts were found to be longer, on average, than the default values used by OGGM, output resulting from manual data tended to be smaller, as hoped. However, because of the high rate at which output increases with decreasing calving front width, the relatively few glaciers for which manual width values are smaller than the default values (for example, in glaciers whose termini only partially calve) may still result in an overall increase in calving flux and glacier volume.

  • Jun 18, 2018
  • http://hdl.handle.net/1946/31324

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