Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:
This project was done in collaboration with Origo's Travel Solutions Department. The project was to make a new travel app that allows users to plan multi-day trips with stops along the way, making it easier to plan long trips and find interesting places. The objective was to write the application in Flutter, Google's new cross-platform UI framework, and to experiment with and make use of Google services.
Skráarnafn | Stærð | Aðgangur | Lýsing | Skráartegund | |
Caren_Trips.pdf | 3.26 MB | Opinn | Heildartexti | Skoða/Opna | |
Design_report.pdf | 798.02 kB | Opinn | Fylgiskjöl | Skoða/Opna | |
User_guide.pdf | 5.02 MB | Opinn | Fylgiskjöl | Skoða/Opna | |
Usability_testing.pdf | 445.87 kB | Opinn | Fylgiskjöl | Skoða/Opna | |
beidni_um_lokun.pdf | 529.89 kB | Opinn | Beiðni um lokun | Skoða/Opna |