en English is Íslenska

Thesis (Master's)

Iceland University of the Arts > Tónlistardeild / Department of Music > Lokaskýrslur - NAIP / Final reports - NAIP (M.Mus.) >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/1946/33749

  • Þegar öllu er á botninn hvolft : an autobiographical musical
  • Master's
  • In the spring of 2019 I wrote and premiered a musical which was based on events in my life. I wrote six songs and formulated a script around them. The piece was performed by me, an actress and five musicians. The duration of the piece was forty-five minutes and it was performed in Mengi in front of a full house. It received positive feedback and showed potential for further developement.

  • Jun 18, 2019
  • http://hdl.handle.net/1946/33749

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