Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:
Einelti hefur verið tengt við ýmsar neikvæðar afleiðingar. Rannsóknir hafa bent til þess að þolendur eineltis séu með lægri meðaleinkunn og séu líklegri til þess að hverfa frá námi en aðrir. Skýr tengsl hafa fundist milli eineltis og andlegra erfiðleika þolenda. Þegar vandinn er skoðaður út frá sjónarhóli skólakerfisins þá hafa rannsóknir einnig leitt það í ljós að andlegir erfiðleikar nemenda gera þeim erfiðara fyrir í námi.
Þessi rannsókn studdist við hentugleikaúrtak 402 þátttakenda á aldrinum 18 til 75 ára, 72 karla og 330 kvenna. Aðaláherslan var lögð á að skoða samband þess að hafa verið þolandi eineltis og þess að hætta í námi án framhaldsmenntunar. Einnig var skoðað hvort fylgni væri milli tímalengdar eineltisins og þess að hætta í námi, hvort fólk teldi að eineltið hafði haft áhrif á að þau hættu í námi án framhaldsmenntunar eða verið lengur að ljúka námi.
Niðurstöðurnar leiddu í ljós að marktækur munur var á hlutfalli þeirra sem hafa enga framhaldsmenntun eftir því hvort fólk hafði lent í einelti eða ekki, en þeir sem höfðu lent í einelti voru 133% líklegri en aðrir til þess að hafa enga framhaldsmenntun. Marktækur munur viðhélst þrátt fyrir að fjarlægðir væru þátttakendur sem mátu námsgetu sína almennt undir meðallagi. Einnig kom í ljós að 67,2% þeirra sem höfðu lent í einelti og voru lengur að klára nám tengdu það þó nokkuð eða meira við eineltið og 90% þeirra sem höfðu hætt í námi án framhaldsmenntunar tengdu það þó nokkuð eða meira við eineltið. Sterk fylgni var milli tímalengdar eineltis og líkum á því að hafa hætt í nám án framhaldsmenntunar.
Lykilorð: Einelti, brotthvarf, vanlíðan, námsárangur.
Bullying has been connected to various negative outcomes for the victims.
Studies have for example shown that the victims of bullying have lower grades
and have higher dropout rates than students that have not been bullied. A clear
connection has been found between bullying and psychological difficulties
among the victims. When this psychological distress is considered from the
point of view of the educational system, it is clear that these various mental
difficulties can decrease the odds of academic success for the student suffering.
It is therefore possible that when people are struggling or failing in school
because of psychological difficulties, it could in some cases be traced back to
an experience with being bullied at some point in their lives.
This study used a convenience sampling of 402 participant from the age
of 18 to 75 years old, 72 males participated in the study and 330 females. The
main focus was to look at the relationship between being bullied at some point
and dropping out of school without finishing some sort of degree after the
compulsory education in Iceland is over (10th grade). Another area of study
was whether there was a correlation between the duration of the bullying and
the odds of dropping out without a degree. Participants were also asked to
evaluate whether they felt that their experience of being bullied had anything
to do with the fact that they didn’t continue their education. Those who did
finish some kind of further education but took longer to finish it than the
standard time would predict, were also asked if they believed that the fact that
they were bullied had something to do with them taking a longer time to finish
their education.
The results of this study showed that there was a significant difference
between those who had been bullied and those who had not when it came to
whether or not they finished any further education after the compulsory
education ended. Those who had been bullied were 133% more likely than
others to not have any further education. The difference remained significant
even when participants who believed their academic abilities were below
average were removed from the sample. Meaning that even when we only look
at people who should have the academic ability to get a further education, there
was still a significant difference in the proportion of people who dropped out without obtaining a degree. A significant difference was found for the entire
group, but also for men and women separately. Women were 109% more likely
to be without further education if they had been bullied and the men were 163%
more likely to be without further education than men who had not been bullied.
When this was considered based on the duration of the bullying, the
results showed that there was a strong and significant correlation (r = 0.66)
between the duration and the odds of finishing some kind of further education
after the compulsory education.
When it comes to how long it took people to finish their education, the
results showed that 67,2% of people who had both been bullied and took longer
to finish their degrees believed that the bullying did play a considerable role in
the delay.
An astonishing total of 90% of those who had dropped out of school
without finishing any degree and had been bullied at some point, believed that
the fact that they were bullied played a considerable role, directly or indirectly,
in their drop out.
This study supports the view that bullying in schools is a serious matter
that the educational system needs to pay special attention to. Seeing the
correlation so clearly between a history of bullying and dropping out of school
without a degree calls for a strong prevention and intervention plan.
Keywords: Bullying, dropout, education, psychological distress.
Skráarnafn | Stærð | Aðgangur | Lýsing | Skráartegund | |
M.Ed. ritgerðin - Tilbúin - Júní.pdf | 576,91 kB | Lokaður til...16.06.2069 | Heildartexti | ||
UNAK kápan - Tilbúin.pdf | 1,05 MB | Lokaður til...16.06.2069 |