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Verk með efnisorðið 'Klínísk sálfræði'

Háskólinn í Reykjavík > Samfélagssvið / School of Social Sciences > MSc Sálfræðideild / Department of Psychology > Efnisorð >
Efnisorð 1 til 25 af 76
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
26.10.2021Profile analysis of young adults seeking addiction treatmentSelma Ósk Höskuldsdóttir 1986-
9.2.2022PTSD symptom clusters : the relationship with types of traumas and cognitive abilityHildur Baldvinsdóttir 1983-
10.2.2022Suicide rates in Iceland in 2000-2019 : a nationwide population-based studyBergþóra Kristín Ingvarsdóttir 1989-
27.6.2022The efficacy of group cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for adults with a history of childhood abuse : a single-case experimental studyVigdís Margrétard. Jónsdóttir 1988-
27.6.2022Concussion among male athletes in Iceland : anxiety, depression and stressViktor Örn Margeirsson 1994-
27.6.2022Sexual violence survivors' response to a virtual reality courtroomMargrét Tórshamar Georgsdóttir 1990-
27.6.2022Post-concussion symptoms in relation to sports-related concussions and neurocognitive performanceAuður Ýr Sigurðardóttir 1991-
27.6.2022Clinical evaluation of an Icelandic adaptation of Moving Forward : a post-treatment course offered to women who have completed treatment for breast cancerAron Haukur Hauksson 1988-
27.6.2022Sex education for children with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorderMargrét Hera Hauksdóttir 1994-
27.6.2022The psychometric properties of the covert and overt reassurance seeking inventory (CORSI) in an Icelandic sample and the relationship between worries and reassurance seekingVignir Fannar Valgeirsson 1994-
27.6.2022Gender differences in comorbid disorders and quality of life of adults diagnosed with ADHDSólveig Jónsdóttir 1977-
27.6.2022The longitudinal and bidirectional association between irritability and depressive symptoms in Icelandic adolescentsSóley Baldursdóttir 1996-
27.6.2022Safety-seeking behaviours and functional impairment in excessive worry and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)Aron Freyr Kristjánsson 1995-
27.6.2022Does a virtual courtroom elicit distress among victims of sexual assault?Malena Írisard. Þórisdóttir 1987-
27.6.2022Treatment providers’ beliefs regarding contingency management interventions in addiction clinics in IcelandÍvar Bjarklind 1974-
27.6.2022Adverse childhood experiences (ACE) pipeline to prison? : prevalence of ACEs and its effects on quality of life in Icelandic prison and drug rehabilitation populationJónína Sigrún Birgisdóttir 1989-
27.6.2022Inpatient treatment for eating disorders : patients' experiences, demographics, and treatment characteristicMóeiður Pálsdóttir 1990-
27.6.2022Effectiveness of brief cognitive behavioural therapy for non-underweight eating disorders in IcelandJakob Fannar Stefánsson 1995-
27.6.2022Does my child have a sleep problem? : examining parent’s perception of children’s sleep habits and the association between parental knowledge and sleep hygieneElísabet Charlotta Ásgeirsdóttir 1993-
27.6.2022What are the symptoms : exploring depression, anxiety and concussion symptoms among Icelandic male athletesKarl Elí Karlsson 1993-
27.6.2022Well-being of your heart: Prevalence in depression, anxiety and psychological distress after percutaneous coronary intervention.Torfi Már Jónsson 1990-
27.6.2022Onset polarity in bipolar disorder : differences in clinical features and course of illnessSólveig Birna Júlíusdóttir 1990-
27.6.2022The effects of skill-based procedures on decreasing problem behavior with a 12-year-old boy with autismAnna Lind Gunnarsdóttir 1996-
27.6.2022Establishing equivalence classes in younger and older adults : evaluating the effect of a differential outcome procedureElva Ósk Vilhjálmsdóttir 1995-
27.6.2022Effects of a function-based intervention on children´s school refusal behavior in IcelandÁsdís Halla Einarsdóttir 1995-