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Verk með efnisorðið 'Artificial intelligence'

Háskólinn í Reykjavík > Tæknisvið / School of Technology > MSc Tölvunarfræðideild / Department of Computer Science > Efnisorð >
Efnisorð 1 til 20 af 20
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
22.1.2019Automatic model abstraction for adaptive level of detail simulationMori, Giulio, 1994-
11.2.2016Design and Implementation of a Collectable Trading Card Board Game and Game AIKristján Tryggvason 1986-
25.1.2011A distributed dialog architecture with learningGuðný Ragna Jónsdóttir 1973-
14.6.2022Entity linking for IcelandicBenedikt Geir Jóhannesson 1993-
12.6.2019Evaluating knowledge transferability in chess endgames using deep neural networksFrímann Freyr Kjerúlf Björnsson 1978-
1.10.2020An evaluation of unity ML-Agents toolkit for learning boss strategiesLucas Alberto E. Pineda Metz 1991-
16.2.2017Flexible authoring using GOLOG planning in interactive storytellingTryggvi Þór Guðmundsson 1991-
30.1.2024A foundation for autonomous conceptual engineering designChloe Schaff 1999-
7.7.2016FraMoTEC: A Framework for Modular Task-Environment Construction for Evaluating Adaptive Control SystemsÞröstur Thorarensen 1991-
31.8.2017General Game Playing with Incomplete Information using Zero-Suppressed Decision DiagramsSteven Losh 1985-
29.9.2021Human detection and behaviour prediction algorithms for robot reactive motion planningGiacomo Menchi 1998-
12.6.2024Meaning generation in autonomous grounded systemsGregorio Talevi 1999-
17.12.2018Mímisbrunnur: A Mixed-Initiative Authoring Tool for Interactive StorytellingIngibergur Sindri Stefnisson 1990-
31.8.2017A model of inter-musician communication for Artificial Musical IntelligenceOscar Alfonso Puerto Melendez 1986-
14.6.2022Self-explaining artificial Intelligence : on the requirements for autonomous explanation generationHjörleifur Rörbeck 1986-
2.5.2018Territoriality and Visible Social Commitment for Virtual AgentsJoy Rossi 1993-; Leonardo Veroli 1993-; Marco Massetti 1993-
29.9.2021Towards a theory of causally grounded tasksMatteo Belenchia 1997-
21.10.2024Towards collective wisdom : a novel approach for cross-distribution collaborative learningFilippo Lampa 1999-
11.2.2016Using Map Decomposition to Improve PathfindingKári Halldórsson 1979-
10.9.2014Using range information to reduce local descriptor computationsStefán Freyr Stefánsson 1977-