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Verk með efnisorðið 'Software engineering'

Háskólinn í Reykjavík > Tæknisvið / School of Technology > MSc Tölvunarfræðideild / Department of Computer Science > Efnisorð >
Efnisorð 1 til 16 af 16
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
5.6.2023A machine learning approach to gait cycle classification for Rheo 3 low-end torque failureGuðmundur Már Kristmundsson 1999-
12.6.2019A convolutional neural network architecture benchmarking for semantic segmentation of fish fillet imagesElías Ingi Elíasson 1990-
12.6.2019Deep learning approach to detect bones in fish filletsPétur Kristófer Oddsson 1985-
24.10.2024Design, development and adoption of a DevOps performance dashboard : Action Design Research at Sidekick HealthBrynjólfur Már Georgsson 1982-
7.7.2016FraMoTEC: A Framework for Modular Task-Environment Construction for Evaluating Adaptive Control SystemsÞröstur Thorarensen 1991-
5.6.2023Gamified education : building recommendation system for an educational game platform for elementary school childrenThorsten Alexander Roloff 1995-
12.6.2024Good or bad? : students’ perspectives on software qualityHrefna Namfa Finnsdóttir 1996-
16.6.2011Guided Search for Deadlocks in Actor-Based ModelsSteinar Hugi Sigurðarson 1985-
24.10.2022Interactive visualisation of the geographical distribution of money (M2) in the USASævar Már Atlason 1990-
30.1.2024Noise resilience of proofs of quantumnessEgill Torfason 1997-
18.6.2018Planning Support System For User Experience EvaluationBjarni Kristján Leifsson 1978-
21.1.2020Skilgreining á lykilframmistöðumælikvörðum fyrir starfsfólk í hugbúnaðarþjónustuGuðný Lára Guðmundsdóttir 1992-
31.8.2017Smart Space Engine : A Prototype Flexible and Reconfigurable Fuzzy Logic Control SoftwareKarl Andrés Gíslason 1986-
3.9.2015Social navigation in Unity 3DKarl Valdimar Kristinsson 1987-
16.6.2011Timed Rebeca: Refinement and SimulationÁrni Hermann Reynisson 1984-
6.6.2023Unsupervised anomaly detection in financial transactionsHafsteinn Atli Stefánsson 1996-