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  • Titill er á ensku "Be wary of elven sources": A study of fictional folklore in the Dragon Age video games
  • Bakkalár
  • Útdráttur er á ensku

    This thesis explores how the creators of the fictional world of the Dragon Age games, a popular single-player fantasy video game franchise, use folkloric elements in “world-building”. It focuses on the invented folklore which constitutes an important part of this game world. The study uses the theoretical framework of the folkloresque to analyze how folkloric elements such as individual motifs and whole genres are integrated and portrayed in this work of fiction. I argue that the writers employ the folkloric elements directly by creatively reworking existing traditional elements as well as indirectly by using the strategies of interaction with the folklore material which are characteristic to the fantasy genre. My analysis of the invented folklore in Dragon Age shows that the writers have quite an accurate perception of how the genres, motifs and tale-types work in traditional folk narratives. They use this knowledge to make the fictional world a homely place for the player by alluding to familiar elements, to increase the depth and interconnectedness of the fictional world and to portray different cultural worldviews of the in-game peoples.

  • 18.9.2019

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