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  • Titill er á ensku What is more valuable in the creation of an alliance, democratic values or hegemonic state? The cases of the Delian League and NATO
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  • Útdráttur er á ensku

    This dissertation is trying to analyze the past and the present of the formation of alliances between political subjects, cities-states in the past and states at present time. In global scene alliances and international organizations, in general, are having significant role such as United Nations (UN), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in the present and League of Nations, Warsaw Pack and Delian League in the past.
    Correspondingly, this essay attempts to answer the following question: What is more valuable into an alliance, democratic values or hegemonic state?
    The methodology used for this dissertation is mainly qualitative research. Many primary sources are used, mainly Ancient Greek writers from the original documents, in ancient Greek. In addition, many secondary sources are used.
    The first part of the essay (chapter 1 and 2) are setting the framework. In chapter 1 we are referring to method and methodology which follow in the dissertation, setting the research questions. In second chapter we are providing essential information about the formation of alliance and the meaning of democracy applicable to this essay.
    In the second part (chapters 3 and 4) the two case – studies are examined and analysing the meaning of democracy as a value among the alliances (chapter 3) and in chapter 4, we examine the role of superpower state in the alliance, providing historical examples.
    Finally, in chapter 5 after a short synopsis, we reach to useful conclusions and answer the main question of the essay.
    In this essay we will refer many times in democratic values and democracy. We are referring in the western democratic states which consist mainly of European states and the states in North America. The idea of democracy is based in the idea of freedom. But, persons and states must have enhanced the meaning of social justice and equality so as not to leave freedom to become impunity. Democratic values are achievement of human being and our civilization and as such it must be respected by everyone.

  • 8.1.2020

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