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Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:

  • The US-Japan-China Triangle: Shifting Power Balances in East Asia and the world
  • Bandaríkin-Japan-Kína þríhyrningurinn: Valdajafnvægisbreytingar í Austur-Asíu og heiminum
  • Meistara
  • The three-way relationship between the United States, Japan and China in East
    Asia will shape the future of the region and China‘s quest for a rightful portion of
    power in East Asia and the world. The future regional status of Japan and the US
    depends on how they engage China – whether they do it unilaterally, bilaterally or
    multilaterally. The success or failure of those choices can in turn have significant
    influence on China's rise to eventual global power status. The three countries have
    been successful to various degrees in their bilateral relations, but significant
    challenges remain and new ones have emerged on all fronts. Furthermore, each
    corner of the triangle is facing a number of domestic and security policy
    challenges that will shape their status in the region going forward.
    The conclusion is that the triangular relationship and East Asia in general would
    benefit most if the US, Japan and China moved forward through a combination of
    bilateral and multilateral approaches including the search for common or
    compatible interests. For the US and Japan these methods present the best way to
    influence the paths China chooses and shape what kind of regional and global
    power it becomes in the future. For China they provide the best method to
    improve its image and reassure its neighbours in the region and beyond as China‘s
    leadership is set to play a more prominent and also a more connected role in both
    the regional and global balances of power.

  • 21.9.2009

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