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Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:

  • Titill er á ensku Fault Detection and Condition Assessment using Vibration Analysis and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
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    Modern day industry often depends on rotating machinery operating constantly all year around. A well-organized and planned maintenance strategy is one of the key features to obtain a constant and safe operation. To conduct a successful maintenance strategy its crucial to be able to monitor machines condition when in operation. Numerous ways are used to monitor machines conditions where one of the main methods is vibration monitoring and analysis. The reason that initiated this thesis was problematic operation in one of the main centrifugal fan’s bearings, in one the fume treatment plants at Norðurál aluminum factory. The main objective of this study is to design and develop a vibration measurement and analysis system. The system is used to collect vibration data, from the centrifugal fan’s plummer block bearings, and utilizes known vibration analysis methods to assess the bearings current condition and to estimate its remaining useful life. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is performed on the centrifugal fan components and setup to establish some indication to pinpoint the bearing problem causes.
    The results from the vibration analysis conducted in this study, using the measurements gathered from the centrifugal fan’s plummer block bearings, showed various fault indications. The remaining useful life estimation indicated to short bearing life, although there are some parts of the methodology used that need adjustments and/or modifications to fit better for this thesis.

  • Norðurál ehf.
  • 5.6.2020

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