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In 2019, the Canadian Premier League (CPL) kicked off its inaugural season. The CPL is a newly established tier-one domestic entity that filled a void for professional football in Canada. Previous attempts to establish a professional football league in the country failed due to various reasons. League officials seemed to face insurmountable challenges prior to the start of the league’s inaugural season. Nevertheless, the new venture concluded its first season and received great reviews from local media. Little research has been published regarding the CPL in general and on its challenges in particular. Therefore, this thesis investigates the challenges of the Canadian Premier League in its first season and additionally contrasts the findings with obstacles regular business start-ups are facing.
The researcher utilized a qualitative research approach for this study. Semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions were conducted with eight study participants. The research shows that league officials did a great job of anticipating potential challenges and put a sound league structure in place that facilitates the viability of the league and its clubs. However, the study also shows that the CPL and its clubs faced both, previously known and unknown obstacles that appeared prior, as well as during the inaugural season. Many of the league’s identified challenges are similar to the ones regular business start-ups are facing. However, both entities are difficult to contrast as they demonstrate stark differences. Sport in general is a particular business and the CPL sets itself apart due to its community involvement and unique ownership structure.
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Sebastian Goldstein - MSc Thesis.pdf | 679.93 kB | Opinn | Heildartexti | Skoða/Opna |